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Messages - Abliblablobla

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« on: September 23, 2014, 02:28:05 am »
There are two ways to display banner ads with Stencyl. Make sure you have a private release (not a public release) of Stencyl released after June 20th. You can find Stencyl's private releases here.

The first one is to use the built in Stencyl blocks for ads. You have to put your Ad Unit ID in the AdMob publisher key field (Settings > Mobile > Monetization). Then use the "show/hide ads" block. You should see banners in your game now. Bear in mind that this method will add AdMob banners in your Android game and iAds banner in your iOS game.

If you want to have AdMob banners in your iOS game, you have to use the AdMob extension. You can find the extension here. You can download a detailed documentation at the end of the the first post of the linked topic.

If you are upgrading from 3.0 or 3.1 to 3.2 on Windows, do a clean install of Stencyl, otherwise you won't be able to build for Android when using AdMob. To do a clean install, first remove/unistall Stencyl from your computer, then install the latest private release of Stencyl.

And do NOT post multiple help requests all over the forums! You have to understand that it may take some time for other users to answer your question (especially when your question is very generic and requires a long answer).

AdMob / Re: [iOS & Android] AdMob Extension [3.0]
« on: September 23, 2014, 02:09:23 am »
hi guys i know this might sound like a really noob question.  but how do i put in the extension? theres a lot of files in the admob zip. :/ sorry!
Read this quick guide.,30432.0.html

i have tried to go to settings>extensions>chose the file. but nothing happens.  :/
When you install an extension you should be able to see it in Settings > Extensions. After you have enabled it, you should be able to see the blocks f the extension in the "Extension" tab of the blocks palette.

And do NOT post multiple help requests all over the forums! You have to understand that it may take some time for other users to answer your question.

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Re: Mobile Keyboard (Android)
« on: September 23, 2014, 01:26:55 am »
Hi everyone,
If someone is still interested, I have just developed a new Android Keyboard extension for Stencyl. This extension has the exact same blocks as the built in keyboard support. Since this is a normal extension, you will find the blocks in the "Extension" tab of the blocks palette. This extension supports the built in keyboard events (add event > mobile > keyboard).

Since there are a lot of different Android devices, I need some help with testing. I would be interested in hearing your feedback about this extension.

1) This is an Android extension only! If everything works as expected, the Stencyl team will merge this extension with the built in iOS keyboard support.
2) This is a work in progress that won't be supported by the Stencyl team until it becomes part of the engine.

EDIT: You can find the extension a few posts below.

AdMob / Re: Abliblablobla , it's my log. thanks for checkin
« on: September 22, 2014, 02:35:39 am »

In your case, Stencyl is trying to use an old version of the AdMob SDK. To fix this error, do a clean install of Stencyl. To do a clean install you have to uninstall/delete your current version of Stencyl, download the latest private release and install it. Do NOT install the latest version of Stencyl over your existing one! After you have done a clean install of Stencyl, use Run > Clean Project. This should fix your issue.

It should solve your issue. Let me know if you still have problems with the extension.

Extensions / Re: Virtual Joysticks Extension [2.0]
« on: September 22, 2014, 02:33:30 am »
alright so I got it do I set up behaviors so it makes my actor move?

If you want to move an actor using a joystick, you have to use the "get distance/direction" block. Read the documentation provided at the end of the first post to learn more about this block. If you still need help, please write a more detailed question.

AdMob / Re: ver: build 7842, admob bug
« on: September 20, 2014, 03:30:09 am »
Could you post your logs (Debug > Logs > Generate Logs)?

Extensions / Re: Virtual Joysticks Extension [2.0]
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:48:53 am »
I try this extension in Ubuntu 14.04, it doesn't even recognize the zip file and Stencyl is searching for image file instead. Help..

Are you able to install other extensions on Linux? Make sure you didn't unzip "".

It works on windows though, however when i try to switch the animation (when i change the direction of the joystock), it only shows the first frame of animation. How come?

Could you post a screenshot of your behavior?

Extensions / Re: Virtual Joysticks Extension [2.0]
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:44:27 am »
alright i'm  stuck on how to properly install this....not sure where to stick the extras folder I keep getting errors when I try to import the resources

Install this extension as you would install a normal extension. Click here to learn how to install an engine extension.

About the "extras" folder
1) Inside Stencyl, go to the “Welcome Center”.
2) Click the “View Games Folder” button in the bottom left corner.
3) Open the “games” folder.
4) Open the “name-of-your-game” folder
5) Download the "extras" folder at the end of the first post.
6) Unzip it.
7) Move it inside your "name-of-your-game" folder.
8) Done!

AdMob / Re: ver: build 7842, admob bug
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:34:01 am »
You have to use your full Ad Unit ID. An Ad Unit ID looks like this ca-app-pub-1520537222610272/9864485652. You can create an Ad Unit ID in > your dashboard > monetization > your app.

EDIT: Merging your topics.

Ask a Question / MOVED: need lot of help to put the pub with mob ad
« on: September 18, 2014, 01:56:08 pm »
I am moving this topic to AdMob for users who will eventually have this issue.

This topic has been moved to AdMob.

AdMob / Re: need lot of help to put the pub with mob ad
« on: September 18, 2014, 01:54:28 pm »
I'm glad it worked!

Note to the Stencyl team: I know this is an Android only issue, but is there a way to make all the users aware of the fact that they have to do a clean install the first time they use Stencyl 3.2? There are many users who have to ask for help on the forums for this issue. Thanks!

AdMob / Re: need lot of help to put the pub with mob ad
« on: September 18, 2014, 02:18:15 am »
Yes, I am 100% sure it works. Many (hundreds?) Stencyl users are using AdMob for their games. If someone has issues with AdMob, he just posts about his problems on the forums (as you did).

Ask a Question / Re: Unable to test game on my device after enabling AdMob
« on: September 18, 2014, 02:08:01 am »
Sorry for the late reply. Try to follow these steps.

In your case, Stencyl is trying to use an old version of the AdMob SDK. To fix this error, do a clean install of Stencyl. To do a clean install you have to uninstall/delete your current version of Stencyl, download the latest private release and install it. Do NOT install the latest version of Stencyl over your existing one! After you have done a clean install of Stencyl, use Run > Clean Project. This should fix your issue.

I hope it helps!

Ask a Question / Re: 3.1 Admob
« on: September 18, 2014, 02:03:46 am »
If you are talking about Stencyl 3.1 (public release), then unfortunately the answer is no. You need to have a private release of Stencyl released after June 21st.

The AdMob Extension 3.0 needs a build of Stencyl released after June 21st. If you are using this extension then there is a workaround to make it work with Stencyl 3.0 and 3.1, but I would highly discourage to use it. However if you have no other options, here it is:

[...] there is a workaround to make the AdMob extension 3.0 (only the extension, not the Stencyl built in blocks for AdMob) compatible with Stencyl 3.1 and 3.0.

1) Go to path-to-stencyl/plaf/haxe/extensions/ads
2) Delete the file named "include.nmml"
3) Copy the new "include.nmml" file in the ads folder (you can find it at the end of this post).
4) Clean your project using Run > Clean Project

Now you should be able to use the new AdMob extension (3.0), but the built in blocks won't work anymore. [...]

You can find the include.nmml file attached at the end of one of my posts of this thread.

AdMob / Re: need lot of help to put the pub with mob ad
« on: September 18, 2014, 01:47:57 am »
In order to publish your game/app to the Play Store/Amazon AppStore/Samsung Galaxy Store you need to buy a PRO subscription. You are a Starter (Free) user. Starter users can only publish to Web (Flash).

Because of the extension I have an error when I make out a will on android I entered to uninstall stencyl reinstalls him(it) he(it) will work maybe I am well afraid of having lost of the working months for nothing if I do not manage to put of the ad(advertising)

Yes, this is what I warned you about. You need Stencyl 3.2 in order to use the AdMob Extension 3.0.
If you want to use this extension for Android, you have to use Stencyl 3.2 which is available only to subscribers.
If you subscribe to the PRO plan, you will have access to Stencyl 3.2 Beta and you can freely publish your game to Android.

Please consider upgrading to PRO. If you have a decent game you will earn more than 199$/year (at least this is my experience with Stencyl).

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