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Messages - Luyren

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 154
Paid Work / Re: Help With Some Programming Events (I'm a noob)
« on: October 05, 2023, 09:52:43 am »
I'm not here to take your offer, but to show you existing resources that can get you started:

If you click to add a behavior to your actor and select "From my Library", there are some pre-made behaviors you can use as reference.

Here you can also get more references, including a jump and run kit:

Finally, my Player Control behavior is pretty comprehensive on the subject of platform movement, and you can get it here for free. Use it directly or just as reference:

News / Re: Stencyl 4.0.4 - November 14, 2020
« on: September 27, 2023, 08:06:04 pm »
You can hit ok on that message and use the resource pack normally. Back up your project before importing any third-party resources. The latest version of Stencyl are for subscribers only, until the next public build is released.

Ask a Question / Re: Attempting Crash Course 2
« on: September 07, 2023, 04:46:27 am »
Print block prints to the log viewer (big button at the top) whatever you place into it, used to determine values and check if code has properly executed or not for the most part.

Ask a Question / Re: Attempting Crash Course 2
« on: September 06, 2023, 07:33:10 pm »
1) Do every is not do after. Looks like you mistook the two in your first screenshot.
2) Your "code6" screenshot doesn't quite make sense. You are setting a game attribute called a number to 0, and later on you increment that number.
3) Use print blocks to check the values of "Victory Counter" and "WIn?". Unless you have another scene behavior switching to actor space, that boolean of yours is the only thing preventing your code from executing. You can also simply remove the if statement and draw your text directly to confirm it.

Either that or your font of choice is camouflaged in the background.

The error window should have a button to generate the logs, which creates a file containing them. Post them here so we can take a look. Or you can just try testing the game again, could be a one time error.

Ask a Question / Re: Attempting Crash Course 2
« on: September 06, 2023, 04:34:26 am »
For starters, you missed a screenshot of your code so we can see what you are doing. Hard to help without that. There's a camera icon on the bottom right corner of the window to get it.
I'll be pre-emptive and post this here:
You migth see what you are missing with this tutorial.

Ask a Question / Re: Port a game to a Raspberry Pi?
« on: August 30, 2023, 08:01:19 pm »
Stencyl can export do linux. As far as I know, raspberry Pi uses a linux-based OS. By those facts alone it seems likely it will work. While I don't have experience with linux, since you are already a subscriber you can make a quick test game, export it to linux and see if it runs in your raspberry Pi.

Ask a Question / Re: Attempting Crash Course 2
« on: August 28, 2023, 05:01:58 am »
The "Repeat Background" checkbox on the right side.

Ask a Question / Re: Attempting Crash Course 2
« on: August 25, 2023, 01:31:24 pm »
If it's a background, set it to loop.
In all cases, make sure you are importing it at x1 scale (top right corner of the import window). You can also disable all the unecessary scales under the game's settings.

Ask a Question / Re: Why do Terrain and Regions randomly move?
« on: July 28, 2023, 08:48:01 am »
By your own words, go back and complete the carsh courses to getyou acquainted with Stencyl.
As for your original problem, backgrounds have no relation with whatever else you place on the scene designer. Just because you background moved doesn't mean your regions/terrains/tiles will move as well. Turn on debug mode on the top menu to see the terrains and properly debug your issue.

Ask a Question / Re: An item that can be collected and used.
« on: June 14, 2023, 02:01:42 pm »
Consider completing the crash course, it should provide the means to find a solution to all your questions:

One possible way is to use a collision event between your actors which would set a game attribute to true, signifying that your item was collected. Check for that game attribute before switching scenes.

Ask a Question / Re: Newb Question
« on: May 24, 2023, 06:27:16 am »
Yes, the free version.

That's a first. If it's that way before you open any game, you probably want to reinstall Stencyl. On the other hand, if the issue in your original project is the cause, you can delete the scene that caused the error and it might solve it.

Open Stencyl and go to Tools > View Folder > View Workspace Folder > Games
From there, go to your game's folder > scenes and remove 0.xml and 0.scn. Then open scenes.xml in the same folder (you can use notepad or notepad++) and remove the line containing your scene. According to your logs, it's a scene called level 1.

As far as I know, that will delete that scene from your game, and if it is the root cause of your issue, it might get back to normal.

Ask a Question / Re: Next Release ?
« on: May 15, 2023, 07:00:57 am »
I don't know about soon, but Stencyl is still in development. If you hop on the discord server, the change log channel has a record of all the changes since the last public release.

Ask a Question / Re: Encountered errors while building your game.
« on: April 12, 2023, 05:56:27 am »
Code: [Select]
Encountered errors while building your game.: Check your logs and post them to the forums. 
- Please describe what you have been doing. Be as specific as possible.
Your game could not be built, because one of your images is too large to be included.
Check your backgrounds and actors with large sprite sheets. (max_string_size reached)

One of your images (actor animations or backgrounds) is too big. Retrace your steps from the last added backgrounds or actor animations to determine the culprit.

Another thing you can do is to disable all scales except x1, under Settings > Settings > Advanced, then go to Tools > Game > Cleanup unused files.

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