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Topics - ianfitz

Pages: 1

I have a pretty extensive thread about this issue here:,38729.msg218756.html#msg218756

I'm finally to the point where I'm pretty sure this is a bug, and it's time to report it as such.

When trying to get the pressure value for an analog control an a wired Xbox 360 1st Party Controller, I only get a '1' or a '0' as the pressure value.

The expected behavior is I should get a series of floating point values, depending on the degree to which I have pressed the control stick.

Here is a narrated screencast explaining it all:

I have attached the stencyl project shown in this screencast.

I hope we can get it figured out!


Oh, and to prove this isn't a driver issue on my side, here's a screencast of the XBOX 360 Driver on my Mac, moving the left analog stick. You can see it's not just going to 1 or 0 position, but it's hitting many intermediate values in between:


Ask a Question / Mapping Analog Control Sticks on Xbox 360 Gamepad
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:23:20 pm »
Hi All,

I have two XBox360 gamepads working on my Mac, with a game I made in Stencyl (yay!). So far, I've just been using the D-Pad and the A button. Pretty straightforward.

I'd now like to try out getting the analog control sticks, starting with the left one, working with Stencyl. A little trickier I'm afraid.

Does anyone understand how to correctly map an Xbox Controller's Analog Stick? An example project would be amazingly helpful.

Here's what I've puzzled out so far:

When I debug print using this method:

I got these results:

6, +axis 0,
6, +axis 1

6, -axis 1
6, -axis 0

6, +axis 1

6, +axis 1 maybe the Analog Control Stick is just interpreted as one big, or maybe two buttons to stencyl...that makes sense, X axis and Y axis. And  maybe +axis 1 means "the stick has been moved in a positive degree using the Y Axis", and -axis 1 means "the stick has been moved in a NEGATIVE degree using the Y Axis".

But if that's the case, no clue why left and right print out both as +axis 1, and how I would differentiate that from the Y axis.

So then I thought, maybe what really matters is the level of pressure? At least it's something to debug print and see how it looks.

I did that like this:

Create a Key in Settings

Map the button to the key:

Print the pressure for the control:

The output I got was....


Just 0 over and and over again:

I'm stumped, anyone played with analog stick with Stencyl before, can give me some guidance here?

Bug Archives / Game Built On Windows 7 Instantly Crashes/No Error Message
« on: January 25, 2015, 08:19:51 pm »
I wanted to troubleshoot the Gamepad issues described on this thread...,37306.0.html testing my gamepad on Windows, to see if it was some issue with the Mac build.

So I fired up Virtual Box and installed Stencyl on Windows 7.

Unfortunately, whenever I actually try to Run the game, it seems to instantly disappear/crash. If I'm reading the logs right, the build process is working fine.

See this screencast of what happens:

I've attached the relevant log file for the build process, and also my .stencyl exported file.

Other relevant details: I am running the version of Visual Studio 2010 Express that Stencyl auto prompts me to install. I also made sure all file paths I'm using for Stencyl have NO spaces in them (Moved to C:\Stencyl, and made sure my game has no spaces in it's name).


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