« on: October 17, 2014, 11:41:30 am »
Hi guys,
So I've been working with Stencyl since the start of this year and I finally feel comfortable enough with its mechanics to tackle something much larger. I have a few finished games and one published app, but what I really want to make is a game. Not a mobile game or a flash game, but something that you wouldn't mind plopping down $20 for. Right now I just have the slightest spark of an idea, and that is to make a spaceship-based RPG with a story not unlike Firefly. Basically, it would amount to you, the captain, taking on missions to keep your ship fueled, your crew fed, and perhaps even something left over for upgrades and such.
The missions will take place in both space and on land, and what I want is eventually a setup that will allow you to take on smuggling contracts, bank robberies, participate in space battles and shoot-outs.
But that's not the meat of the game. The focus is on characters, their stories, and their motivations. There will be a lot of dialogue in this game, a la Mass Effect. In between missions or during traveling, you stay on the ship and interact with your crew, which is about 3-7 npcs. Characters can die permanently, and some can never be replaced. I'm still in the very, very early stages of this game, but I think I might eventually take it to Kickstarter or Steam.
Edit: I do have a small team working with me, but we're mostly writers. If this project eventually goes forward, we'll need to recruit programmers, artists, and marketing peeps as well. Heck, we might even quit our day jobs.