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Topics - MaartenWinkels

Pages: 1
Hello everyone,

This is my first official project I am working on.
For now its called : "Lazy Lumberjacks and the legend of the coonskin hat ", till the moment I find a better name I will hold this one. In the game there are 4 Lumberjacks that are working together, to found out about the legend of the coonskin hat.

As mentioned before, there will be 4 Lumberjacks. Each level you are able to select 2 of them to complete the level, they have all special abilities such as 'shooting', 'logging', 'lift rocks' and so on. On the later levels you have acces to all of them. In the beginning you start with 1 Lumberjacker, he will start his journey and he will meet up the other as soon as you are further in the game.

This game will be made for Tablets especially the iPad, maybe in the future I will also accept Android but not sure for now.
In the game you don't move with a joystick or arrow keys, its click based movement, so you select the lumberjack and point the destination on the screen. When you are near a Ladder there will popup a button that allows you to climb this ladder, you are also able to jump while moving to avoid obstacles or enemy's. The key mechanics are finished already, for this a big shoutout to mdotedot, without him I wasn't able to finish this part.

Currently I am working on the art, I have finished 2 lumberjacks already as a sketch, feel free to comment about them:

As soon as I have more information about the game, I will update the post.
If you have any questions about the game feel free to ask.

Hope you guys like it!

Ps. Sorry about my bad English, I am from The Netherlands

Paid Work / Looking for 'Special movement' Paid or trade for Art.
« on: April 20, 2014, 04:25:46 pm »
Hello everyone,

I've been working on my gameidea quite a while and sketched alot.
So it was time to start with making a demo of my game, I bought the stencyl course on Udemy and the stencyl 3.0 book.
Everything is really clear to me and tried out alot. But I am not able to produce the movement I want for my game.
I need a movement for my 'hero' like the movement from the game 'Tiny Thief', you click on the 'hero' than point on the ground and the character will walk to it, but jumping need to be enable at any time with a button.  Here is a little movie from 'Tiny Thief':

I hope someone could help me out with my problem. I can pay max 20-30 dollar since I am a poor student from The Netherlands, if you need art or something for your game we could also use that instead of money, I can do vector art and 8bit pixelart.

I hope my problem is clear enough and someone is able to help me. Please comment in the commentsection below or send me a PM. Love to hear from you.


Ask a Question / Question: Activate actors on click?
« on: March 26, 2014, 03:52:54 am »
Hello everybody,

I am working on a new project since a long time. It is team focused so you have 4 characters.
When you press on 1 character you can select another one, they will have special abilities in order to solve several puzzles.
My question is, how am I able to activate Player1 when also Player2 is in the game. So in that position you have 2 actors and I only want that you can move 1 of them, for example Player1 so Player2 will stand still on his current position.
I would like to hear from you guys!


Ask a Question / Translation still not updated.
« on: January 10, 2014, 02:56:59 am »
Hello Stencyl users,

I was checking out your website and found the following:

We'll be back soon!

The Translations app has been taken down for maintenance as of September 5th, 2013. We'll bring it back up as soon as we can. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

- The Stencyl Team

Is this still under construction or is there something else wrong with the website?
I am searching for the Dutch language file, thats why I need this page.

Hope someone could help me,


Pages: 1