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Messages - SirDougal

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / Re: Can't export to .swf?
« on: April 27, 2012, 08:27:12 am »
Thanks for your help and suggestions! I used a different program to modify the MP3s, but made sure regardless. Having exhausted conversion options, I eventually went through the songs and removed all their metadata (which was pretty laborious). After this, I was able to export perfectly.

I really appreciate your guidance. However, I am led to wonder why I had to jump through these hoops in the first place. Hopefully music will cause less of a headache (being accepted in more formats etc.) in 2.0. Regardless, this problem is now solved. Thanks again!

Ask a Question / Re: Can't export to .swf?
« on: April 26, 2012, 06:51:31 am »
Thanks for your advice! Following the leads from that thread, I looked through my logs and identified the offending mp3. I deleted it- and all the others I'd added- from the resources in the StencylWorks folder of my game, as well as from the StencylWorks program itself. Then, I converted them (again, to make sure) into usable mp3s and added them back in.

After I'd deleted all those mp3s, I tried to export the game. It worked!

Then, after adding the compatible ones back in, I tried to export it again. It failed. This is quite annoying! I'm sure it's the music but I just don't know what's wrong- I know I converted them correctly after deleting them all, as StencylWorks accepted them without complaint. Any advice? Thanks again.

EDIT: Just a thought, I haven't changed any 'metadata', just the technical bits (bitrate etc.) specified in the post linked to. Could this be a problem? If so, how do I change it? Cheers.

Ask a Question / Can't export to .swf?
« on: April 25, 2012, 02:22:39 pm »
Hi everyone, I'm just finishing up a game (my first!) and would like to export it to to .swf- but when I come to do so, StencylWorks pops up the 'Cannot Export to .swf' (or something similar) message. I'm pretty sure this is a music problem, as, before I added any music, I was able to export the unfinished game perfectly.

However, I've just changed the bitrates etc. of the MP3 files to fit Stencyl's requirements, and deleted the old ones from the game. So, theoretically, shouldn't I be able to export now? Kinda confused.

Resolved Questions / Re: Where did my game go?
« on: March 29, 2012, 01:19:44 pm »
Oh dear. Well, thank you for your honesty. Out of interest, where did it go? Is there really no way to recover it? Cheers.

Resolved Questions / Where did my game go?
« on: March 29, 2012, 12:49:47 pm »
Hi everyone, this evening I was working on a game in StencylWorks (version 1.4.1, I think) when I had to force the laptop to shut down (as in holding the power button). Although I try to save regularly when working (as I had done in this instance), I didn't have time to correctly close the program. When I booted the laptop back up, and tried to launch StencylWorks, it asked me to agree to the EULA and log in, which I did. Upon doing this, I noticed the game I had been working on was not included amongst the normal example games on the game selection screen.

Looking in the 'games' folder, it appears that the game has also vanished. I'm pretty sure it can't just have disappeared as I save often; what might've happened, and how can I get my game back? Thanks very much :)

Ask a Question / Re: Is there a tutorial for the cutscene pack?
« on: March 18, 2012, 11:59:35 am »
Thank you! I've heard about this but I just can't find it- is it included in the pack? If so, or if not, how can I get to it? Thanks again :)

Ask a Question / Is there a tutorial for the cutscene pack?
« on: March 09, 2012, 01:37:00 am »
Hi everyone, I'm new to Stencyl and am trying to make my first game. Recently I encountered the cutscene pack in StencylForge which I think will really help me in the creation process (thanks to Greg) but I just can't work out how to use the triggers in a way that will work in a scene. I've been relying on the descriptions in 'Properties' for each element of the pack but can't combine them successfully. I'd be happy with just some dialogue, but would love a simple tutorial so I can utilise these effectively. I've also been looking at the original forum post/Greg's sample games and a similar, unanswered question on the forums to no avail. Please help a newbie! Thanks!

Happy to provide more info if necessary.

Pages: 1