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Messages - ggbboo

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Ask a Question / save & loading blocks causing game to close
« on: May 29, 2018, 06:54:21 pm »
Using build 9880
HighSierra, Xcode  9.3

SImulator 11.3

Running game built in S3.4 , worked perfectly.
Now save/load blocks cause game to crash.
(deactivating them, works ) Please help


Just starting to use HighSierra with Stencyl 3.4 build 9200. Running Java 8, Update 171
First time in my life after 4.5 yrs with Stencyl: upon opening the first time there's a message about not having permission of the Workspace ( I have all read and write permission).  Same problem as raregalaxy. Please advise ASAP.

I'm currently trying to test out Stencyl but I can't get it to open on my system. I'm running the latest version of macOS High Sierra and I'm using the latest version of Java 9. I also tried out Java 8 and I still keep getting the error that says
Stencyl could not be opened and needs Java 8 or higher. Clicking okay takes me to

I was able to get the program to launch by opening the the sw.jar file inside the Stencyl folder but it tells me I do not have write permissions for my current workspace, then an unexpected problem window shows up and gives me the option to produce a log file. I couldn't generate the log file because it gave me a permissions error, however I took a screenshot from the details button. Hopefully someone can let me know what's going on from this as I'm puzzled considering I've tried using multiple versions of Java that should all be supported as far as I know.

Hi,  any suggestions of the  cause of this  ? :
I am using  Stencyl v. 3.4.0 final from an external drive with OSX 10.11.6 , and   have the following  2 important issues  regarding the the  LOG when using the simulator for testing iOS apps , which makes it useless  for further development:

1)  the Log  DOES NOT show Print blocks

It happens in my game project, and  to further verify this I made a test project published for simulator iPad  Retina iOS 10.2 which only has 1 scene, with 1 actor placed in it  which has 1 animation with 1 image, & besides there are only 4 Print blocks in  a When Created  event  in the scene events.

testing in an identical project made in Stencil v3.4. beta2 but for simulator iPad Retina iOS 9.2,  DID show all 4 print blocks  in Log.

2) Log continuously shows a great amount of all kind of iOS internal annoying  messages while compiling and running the project in the simulator, that make reading or following any print blocks -if any-  impossible.

This amount and kind of iOS internal messages didn't show up in an identical project made in & using  Stencyl version like 3.4. beta2 for simulator iPad Retina with iOS9.2 .

some of  the exceesive iOS internal activity messages that appear seems to be are related to :

ASL Sender Statistics
iCloud app

• log for stencyl 3.4.0final test project for simulator iPad Retina iOS 10.2
• log for stencyl 3.4 beta2 test project for simulator iPad Retina iOS 9.2

]Hi all, 
browsing App settings for the iOS appstore in Apple's  iTunes Connect, came across the following issue about Bitcode. Hope Bitcode is now supported.
Does Stencyl  includes  bitcode for iOS compiled apps using version 3.4.0  ?
IF not,  It seems the app availability in the App Store would be compromised, according to Apple's  iTunes Connect info on Bitcode Auto-Recompliation (copied below ) under  section Pricing and Availability.

And looking for Bitcode in the forum, the latest post i have found about Bitcode been On or Off, is  by Jon on 2015, regarding iOS9 & Xcode 7, saying that for the time being is set to OFF  (link below):
September 27, 2015, 10:17:08 am
We're going to default to having it off for the time being.

(under section: Pricing and Availability)

Occasionally, we may automatically recompile apps that include bitcode to improve hardware support or to optimize our software. The checkbox below allows you to disable auto-recompilation for your app.
What happens if you disable bitcode auto-recompilation?
   •   Your app or a thinned version of your app may be unavailable for some devices.
   •   Your app, and any app bundle that includes this app, may become unavailable whenever apps must be recompiled.
   •   If your app is unavailable on the App Store, Universal Purchase, redownloads, and Family Sharing won't work unless all platform versions have been approved.

To maintain your app's availability on the App Store:
   •   Upload a new build of your app that contains bitcode.
   •   Test the new build with TestFlight (optional).
   •   Submit that build with a new app version to App Review.

Extensions / Re: Analytics Extension (Simpl Analytics Beta Release)
« on: June 23, 2017, 06:31:06 am »
Hi, a much needed extension!, 
can you point out what are the features supported nowdays ?

Thks, looking forward to try it out.

Resolved Questions / Re: Problems playing apps on newer devices[SOLVED]
« on: October 15, 2016, 09:46:46 am »
Hi oKeeg,
when you said "I changed the 3x scaling" you mean you had it selected , and Deselect it,  OR  that you didn't have it selected and you enabled it?
I don't have the scale 3x  selected (only 2x), and  have also received the message :"Unable to locate DeviceSupport directory - Inside, copy & rename the most recent iOS folder to "Latest"   

Thanks a lot Justin.
It's been a month of different projects and regarding the game, we've decided to do everything from scratch, as the previous game had been the same for a couple of years, accumulating hidden glitches.
We will go over test apps with the exporting/importing issue and get back here, but we definitely tried it several times about a year ago creating behaviors from scratch and then exporting them to new app, the then eventually get many variables scrambled, even that we had the global variables created on the new game... I'll talk again to my partner and see if he had newer tests. We'll eventually post

Suggestion Archives / Re: Collision shapes
« on: October 08, 2016, 09:16:47 am »
Great suggestion of much needed functionality. Totally agree with it.

Extensions / Re: Chartboost Mobile Ads
« on: August 13, 2016, 09:25:50 am »
Hi all,   a big thanks to the contributors of this extension. 
Haven't tried the extension yet but intend to use it soon on iOS.
Athough I believe it is not  included in the extension, has anyone thought of needing or implementing Chartboost's Event & Level Tracking,  that lets track  events inside the App (i.e. tutorial completed, player progress thru levels, etc) ?   this requires to enable CB Post Install Analytics, that gives developers information about players' in-app purchases.
Post-Install Analytics — Event & Level Tracking via SDK:
Post-Install Analytics :
Post-Install Analytics Dashboard:

Especially if one has global variables (and even in the target app one has the exact same variables), importing/exporting
is not reliable. Even making it with only local variables, it does not seem reliable.
It was more reliable in S3.1 and S3.2

And definitely NOT possible with custom code

Any plans to fix this?
And any  expectations to leave the 3.4 Beta status?


Ask a Question / Re: All iOS Simulaor versions do not appear on menu
« on: January 26, 2016, 08:36:29 pm »
Thanks Rob
You're right. Your case is happening to me as well, I'll try the workaround as troubleshooting with the Simulator is essential.
I experience both problems, now not being able to choose the right simulator or device, and having to use one below.

Ask a Question / All iOS Simulaor versions do not appear on menu
« on: January 26, 2016, 04:05:44 pm »

This is something I run into even from S3 or before.
Just downloaded Xcode 7.2. Can't get iOS9 Simulator, even though I see on Xcode

still no luck

Thanks for your prompt answer. I think I didn't explain  myself well. Yes, I know and I use the Set ___ global variable for that.
Here is a shot of the block. Autosnap is a code behavior.  As test that confirms we're getting the signal out of the get block, The sound gets activated, however the global variable snap2 remains True

Is there a know issue of not being able to set Global Attributes to FALSE when inside this block?
I have tested several global variables  that  in other blocks turn off fine and here they cannot set to False.
(after confirming - by for example playing a sound-  that we indeed get the right message)


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