]Hi all,
browsing App settings for the iOS appstore in Apple's iTunes Connect, came across the following issue about Bitcode. Hope Bitcode is now supported.
Does Stencyl includes bitcode for iOS compiled apps using version 3.4.0 ?
IF not, It seems the app availability in the App Store would be compromised, according to Apple's iTunes Connect info on Bitcode Auto-Recompliation (copied below ) under section Pricing and Availability.
And looking for Bitcode in the forum, the latest post i have found about Bitcode been On or Off, is by Jon on 2015, regarding iOS9 & Xcode 7, saying that for the time being is set to OFF (link below):
September 27, 2015, 10:17:08 am
We're going to default to having it
off for the time being.
http://community.stencyl.com/index.php?topic=44299.0iTunes Connect info : BITCODE AUTO-RECOMPILATION
(under section: Pricing and Availability)
Occasionally, we may automatically recompile apps that include bitcode to improve hardware support or to optimize our software. The checkbox below allows you to disable auto-recompilation for your app.
What happens if you disable bitcode auto-recompilation?
• Your app or a thinned version of your app may be unavailable for some devices.
• Your app, and any app bundle that includes this app, may become unavailable whenever apps must be recompiled.
• If your app is unavailable on the App Store, Universal Purchase, redownloads, and Family Sharing won't work unless all platform versions have been approved.
To maintain your app's availability on the App Store:
• Upload a new build of your app that contains bitcode.
• Test the new build with TestFlight (optional).
• Submit that build with a new app version to App Review.