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Messages - henson802

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iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Battle Golf- Out on iOS and Android
« on: August 04, 2015, 08:02:45 am »
You guys have great ideas and execution.  Keep up the awesome work!

Thanks for sharing Unept.  Great job and congrats

Just tried this and I was impressed.  It's quite a unique yet simple concept that really plays well.

Unept - you were surprised about the feature - were you notified during Apple's review process that they would feature it?  After it was released?  Or no contact at all and just saw that it was featured?  I'm just curious , have yet to get the feature spot.

Definitely well deserved.  I think the game is great.  It has really nice balance and polish

I see it featured in the US store as well.  Looks like it's getting great reviews too.

Haven't played it yet but it looks solid judging from trailer and screenshots.  You do anything special to get it featured or just the usual send it in and pray? ;}

Seems very polished and clean.  Nice!!

Good luck and congrats

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Sky Decent - Debut Game [iOS]
« on: June 12, 2015, 09:50:41 pm »
" Reflexes of a statue "  LoL

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Worp [iOS]
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:37:04 am »
Well I checked out your game, it's very well made.. Clean and simple.  Polished, nice complimentary sounds.  It is a bit difficult but honestly would rather have a challenging game then one that's too easy.

Also saw it was released on May 22, this past Friday... Apple updates Feature lists on Friday, which I would think that means your game wasn't ready in time.  Hopefully it'll get some recognition this week!

My feedback about difficulty -  if you want to make game easier, keep the Circle max size and maybe slow down the projectiles some .. then after like 20 points start having it get smaller and bigger, faster projectiles, etc. like it defaults now right from start.   Other then that - I enjoyed it.

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Worp [iOS]
« on: May 26, 2015, 10:06:02 am »
Lots of valid points: I'd have to agree with Riki82 and Rob1221...

Riki82 point - Agree, Media helps with visibility but ultimately I believe to generate any 'great' numbers (thousands)- it needs to get featured by Apple in one of their categories.. either the weekly lists or other features.  That or get lucky and have a big time YouTuber or Twitch cover your game.

Difficulty is tough to gauge.  Some games that are very simple and get featured can be incredibly difficult.  But becuase they are featured - people are curious to at least try them for a few rounds.

Rob1221 brings up an interesting point that I completely agree with and just recently plan to implement in a new game of mine..

I skim the weekly featured lists all the time for past year or two.. Recently, I noticed every game that gets featured will have things that you 'unlock' or 'earn' --- more so then just competing for points on a leaderboards.. give's the player reason to keep going (not everyone is extremely competitive for score)...Simple unlocks too as Rob mentioned.

It's a strange and unpredictable marketplace.  I saw your game got mentioned in a TouchArcade article so I figured it'd do very well.  There's still time , Apple may feature it!  All your games always feel very polished - maybe for this or next project - focus on things to unlock and maybe it'll be the next one to go viral!  Good luck

Also - you may want to look into a publisher as a last ditch effort if numbers still don't pick up.  I know the much hated Ketchapp does things like that.. You obviously split profit but they have thousands of followers to their games so I'm sure it'd get a lot more visibility.  But I'd wait a little while to see if numbers pick up at all with features or updates.

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Badfloo - free game for Android
« on: May 22, 2015, 05:44:01 pm »
Very nicely done art then, I'd try but o only have iOS devices, congrats and good luck!

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Badfloo - free game for Android
« on: May 22, 2015, 12:09:30 pm »
Looks a lot like BadLand

The BG's in this are the same but tinted differently.  And I could've sworn I seen this BG in Badland somewhere.. hoping the art wasn't stolen but it all looks very close to Badland.

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Badfloo - free game for Android
« on: May 22, 2015, 07:11:36 am »
looks really good, very similar looking to Badland on iOS

Yes something new and refreshing and different...original

There's not much anything like this game, and the humor certainly helps.  I think there's a huge abundance of very challenging games on the App Store that try to be like Flappy or Mr Jump (im guilty of this hehe) - maybe one out of a thousand will take off, but this takes the opposite approach - pretty easy to play and do well.. and it's just fun to watch/play - music is fun, everything about this game is 'fun'.

And agree with the point that maybe this particular game didn't take a huge amount of time to develop, but it was the prior experience and knowledge that probably helped it tenfold.  I've personally made about 6 games, and my latest games I'm just starting to see more success.  It's a process like anything, and rarely comes easy or quickly.

Also being able to earn things always helps people to come back, even if it's just as simple as earning a different style hat!

Congrats again on this - the humor and style is great.

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: My first app - Duck Calls Expert
« on: May 06, 2015, 09:39:15 am »
Yea that makes squeak calls like a rubber duck :D

Well the most notorious ones are from Duck Dynasty crew, who hunt ducks for a living and are in the woods most of their lives.
 An opinion that's all - $20 on the App Store is like $200 anywhere, but Best of luck!

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: My first app - Duck Calls Expert
« on: May 06, 2015, 09:09:14 am »
"Basic hunter calls start from 20$."

Yikes - you know you can get a real Duck Call thing from amazon for like $8...

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: THE BLOCK RUN available (ANDROID)
« on: May 05, 2015, 06:59:51 am »
yes! is this a bad thing?

I never been a fan of Drop Shadows unless used subtly or in clever ways, aka not on everything.  It's like the lazy way of trying to make things look nice but ultimately does just the opposite.   I maybe in the minority - Obviously your game is doing something right with so many high ratings so quick..

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: THE BLOCK RUN available (ANDROID)
« on: May 01, 2015, 11:13:46 am »
Used a lot of drop shadowssssss

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