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Messages - paul2978

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / Re: Space Invaders - Copyright - Dont want to be sued
« on: March 21, 2014, 03:34:05 am »

"L;DR version: As long as you copy gameplay and don't copy any assets (art, music, animation) you are 100% fine."

Ask a Question / Space Invaders - Copyright - Dont want to be sued
« on: March 21, 2014, 03:29:52 am »
So I’m learning Stencyl its fun and I enjoy it.

I loved space invaders as a child...So I thought I’d make my own, but then it occurred to me was if I wanted to release Space Invaders 2.0....what if any copyright would there be....surely with the flappy birds clones there must be some legal issues here.

I have had a search on the forum and read a few of the posts that came up, and the obligatory Google searching and there is nothing to stated clearly that if you do this the consequences are x,y,z.

Has anyone had an experience with this. Do you just need to change a few things eg name:

(Space invaders from not outerspace /3.0 not a clone of the 80's space invaders please dont sue me)

.... and  a few touches here and there and your good to go?

post your thoughts below :)

Ask a Question / Changing colour of health bar when below 10%
« on: January 15, 2014, 11:59:59 pm »

Can anyone suggest a good method of changing the colour of the health bar once it reaches below a certain level say 10%?



Ask a Question / Re: How to create a behavior to open & close an object?
« on: January 15, 2014, 06:05:24 am »
Do you think you could put a screen shot of the working code...

Thank you much in advance :)

Ask a Question / Circling actors - How to?
« on: January 15, 2014, 02:03:06 am »
Circling actors.

Hi please see the link below for an actor I am designing.

You may know kingdom Rush

The actor has little skulls circling the character.

Can anyone point (whereas I mean guide me in the direction) on how I might start to work out how to create something that will circule around another character.

Say like a power shield etc….

Ask a Question / Re: Getting the right approach to programming
« on: July 24, 2013, 05:48:15 am »
Thanks guys this is good advice :)

Ask a Question / Getting the right approach to programming
« on: July 22, 2013, 01:24:19 am »

Iv just completed the first 9 levels of the google blocky code which is similar to Stencyl's code

The problem is I am stuck on level 10 - I think the problem is how I approach the problem - can anyone assist me in on how they would tackle this? As a new programmer I belive my approach is wrong and once I have got the "nack" of it things should start to slot in better while programming?

Does anyone have any suggestions on the methods that they use to approach a programming problem.

So for example in the situation above do you sit there and write out you have two lefts to navigate or do you have a set piece of coding that you just modify to suit your needs.

I think the main problem for me is how I approach a coding issue, Ive tried many combinations but they are a bit "haphazard" any pointers in the right direction would be great.



Ask a Question / portable Apps for stencyl
« on: May 17, 2013, 03:47:54 am »
Just putting this out there but has anyone tried to put stencyl on portable apps?

Im thinking of doing it so I can do some at work.

Ask a Question / How to rotate images around a circle
« on: February 01, 2013, 04:23:10 am »

I have an image of the sun, and I would like to have some sun beams circling the sun.

I’d also like to create the earth and moon for a future project so is there a way to have the moon orbiting the earth.

Is this at all possible, I can’t get my head round how to start with this one so if anyone could just give some suggestions to get me working that would be fantastic 



Ask a Question / Re: Any Stencyl books
« on: January 25, 2013, 03:32:43 am »
Thanks MrMusicalLion

Ask a Question / Any Stencyl books
« on: January 25, 2013, 02:15:03 am »
Hi All,

New to stencyl. Think its great!

Are there any stencyl books out there at all, from Amazon, packtpub or safaribooks.

I know there is loads of matterial online videos and the stencylpedia here, but sometimes I dont have access to the internet and was looking for a good book to read.



Pages: 1