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Messages - Panooch77

Pages: 1 2
Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Updated My Game
« on: February 19, 2013, 08:15:10 am »
I updated the music and made it more fitting to the game concept.
Please try the game and give feedback.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Introducing "Nonna's Crazy Tomato Game"
« on: February 09, 2013, 09:59:47 pm »
I put this game together for my mom and I will be updating music soon but I love the theme song and it was on forge so I decided to use it for now. It's a brick breaker style game and my second game since started learning Stencyl and game creation in general.
Anyway have fun.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Try my new game Gorilla madness
« on: February 06, 2013, 09:19:18 pm »
I made the score and lives behavior myself this time after many hours looking at tutorials. What do you think?

I did some updating today, what do you think? I figured how to get score to reset to zero but then I also figured out how to make a live counter so I let score continue but they only have four tries.


Ask a Question / Re: Can you help me get my Lives Counter to reset game?
« on: February 06, 2013, 09:15:26 pm »
I got the game to work today after a lot of training.

Please check out my game Gorilla Madness and give me some feedback. If you played it before try it again and see if you can do it in 4 tries.

Ask a Question / Can you help me get my Lives Counter to reset game?
« on: February 05, 2013, 08:48:09 pm »
I would like to have my game reset after last live. Can anyone help with the snap sequence?


Code view below of my current code.

     override public function init():void
                  setGameAttribute("Lives", ((getGameAttribute("Lives") as Number) - 1));
    addWhenDrawingListener(null, function(list:Array, g:Graphics, x:Number, y:Number):void {
        g.drawString("" + (String("Lives ") + String("" + (getGameAttribute("Lives") as Number))), 500, 0);

Thanks again!! I was able to get score to reset to Zero Upon Player death and even figured out a lives meter. Now I just need to figure out how to get lives meter to reset game upon last life.

Thanks again!
You Rock!

Thank you, I really need to figure this out. I have been looking at tutorials all day from sunrise and final boss but neither really explain how I can add the "game over" aspect. I was able to practice adding a lives meter but when the lives ran out I could get game to end. Thanks for the time your taking helping me out.
It is greatly appreciated.


I attached the code below, Where should I make the change? Sorry for bothering you.I really appreciate your time.

   public dynamic class Design_242_242_ScoreKeeper extends SceneScript
      public var _DisplayFont:Font;
      public var _Duration:Number = 0.0;
      /* Params are:__NumPoints */
      public function AddPoints(__NumPoints:Number):void
      {        /* This can be called from anywhere.See the Bumper actor behavior. */
          setGameAttribute("Score", ((getGameAttribute("Score") as Number) + __NumPoints));

     override public function init():void
          addWhenUpdatedListener(null, function(list:Array):void {
        if(sameAs(getCurrentSceneName(), "Level 1"))
            if(((getGameAttribute("Score") as Number) > 10000))
                switchScene(1, createFadeOut(((1000*2))),createFadeIn(((1000*0))));


        if(sameAs(getCurrentSceneName(), "Level 2"))
            if(((getGameAttribute("Score") as Number) > 20000))
                switchScene(2, createFadeOut(((1000*2))),createFadeIn(((1000*0))));


        if(sameAs(getCurrentSceneName(), "Level 3"))
            if(((getGameAttribute("Score") as Number) > 30000))
                switchScene(3, createFadeOut(((1000*2))),createFadeIn(((1000*0))));


        if(sameAs(getCurrentSceneName(), "Level 4"))
            if(((getGameAttribute("Score") as Number) > 40000))
                switchScene(0, createFadeOut(((1000*2))),createFadeIn(((1000*0))));


    addWhenDrawingListener(null, function(list:Array, g:Graphics, x:Number, y:Number):void {
        g.drawString("" + (getGameAttribute("Score") as Number), 16, 16);

      public function Design_242_242_ScoreKeeper(ignore:*, scene:GameState)
         nameMap["Display Font"] = "_DisplayFont";
nameMap["Duration"] = "_Duration";

      override public function forwardMessage(msg:String):void

I just created my own code for a score keeper but I am not sure where I should make the change?

          addSceneCollisionListener(getActorType(475), getActorType(477), function(list:Array, event:Collision):void {
        setGameAttribute("Score", ((getGameAttribute("Score") as Number) + 0));
    addWhenDrawingListener(null, function(list:Array, g:Graphics, x:Number, y:Number):void {
        g.drawString("" + (getGameAttribute("Score") as Number), 25, 10);

I went to game settings than attributes. The category is scoring and number is already set to 0.0. still can't get it to work.
Thanks though,

I recently posted my first game Gorilla Madness and I really want to update the score feature so that it resets after you die. I used a score keeper feature from stencyl forge but I have no idea how to update the board so it resets. I tried to create a test game and use score packs but had no luck. If some one could help I would appreciate the advice. If you know a forge feature to use or have solid tutorial that explains it that would be great or if you really feel helpful and want to type out the steps I would be very grateful.


Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Try my new game Gorilla madness
« on: February 02, 2013, 07:50:18 pm »
Thanks, I used a score behavior from forge.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Try my new game Gorilla madness
« on: February 02, 2013, 07:33:29 pm »
Awesome, thanks for the feedback! I am not sure why it froze but see your point about the score. I actually wasn't sure about how to make it reset. I used a stop command to make music reset but I couldn't figure out how to do score. If you have a tutorial or suggestion that would be greatly appreciated. Also I want to ad a live meter but couldn't get one to work.
Thanks for the input. I will reload game if I figure out how make the changes.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Try my new game Gorilla madness
« on: February 02, 2013, 03:03:59 pm »
Hi everyone,
Please try my new game Gorilla Madness. It is my first Stencyl project and would really appreciate feedback. I hope to make more games and build on the skills I learned making this game so please give it try and let me know what you think.

Thanks for your time and have fun with the game.

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