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Messages - wildownes

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / Re: Save game/mysql database
« on: May 02, 2013, 09:51:30 pm »
Hmm, how can I get the game to check for what username is online/logged in? Any tips? Trying to make a plan with a friend how we should make everything working :) For example how I can load information from the html client side.

- Tobben

if you are programming for iOS then you can use the Game Center name of the player.
thats under Game/Mobile/Name of (gamecenterlogo) player

Ask a Question / Re: Save game/mysql database
« on: April 24, 2013, 05:03:17 am »
Hey man, I was playing around with a similar idea, however, I wanted to export to a php script then from there to a .txt file. I'll go ahead and post that for yah, and hopefully that can get you started in the direction. maybe you already know how to do this.

place this on a php server and name it whatever. I used send.php.
I also used to variables, f and s. F = the file name to create or find. S = the string to write to file

$myFile = $f.".txt";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'a') or die("can't open file");
$s=$s.' ';
if(strstr( $s ,""))
fwrite($fh, $s);

then I used the POST block to post the variables f and s to the php file. I also create a list to make it easier to store the strings I wanted to send to the php script.
See capture.PNG
As you can see, I'm sending the string from item 0 of list send_level_data to variable S. In this script, I just set f = level5. really you could just put in another list/variable so you could send the list to a chang-able location.

Hope this helps you out

Very handy!  Thank you!

Ask a Question / Re: Save game/mysql database
« on: April 24, 2013, 05:01:29 am »
Okay good thank you!

Ask a Question / Re: Save game/mysql database
« on: April 18, 2013, 11:22:38 pm »
...It's generally considered bad practice to connect your application to web databases directly.

Does apple have an issue with it or is it bad practice for another reason?  I was wanting to create an app that pulls from a php to get dynamic data (say like a recent tweet) so i'm wondering if this is something apple has an issue with or if it is something else.

Ask a Question / Re: Server interactive games/ apps (QUESTION)
« on: April 11, 2013, 01:55:48 am »
I've been playing with accessing a server to get text/variables using VISIT URL.
Still learning it but it looks like with a bit of php knowledge you can do some cool stuff from a server.....   

This is a button that when clicked an alert comes up that uses the text from page  (in this case the water level of a lake in Oklahoma)

Haven't gotten it all figured out yet but I know you can do that.... And you can pass variables to the php page by embedding them in the URL   (I think there is a more secure ways but I don't know how to do it)

As far as things like uploading/downloading/accessing media (other than text) It sounds like fairly uncharted territory... its been asked about lots but I don't believe its ever practically been done... and certainly isn't a built in feature.

Ask a Question / Re: send and recieve sms?
« on: April 03, 2013, 12:55:04 am »
Found this:
Not sure if that helps you.

There is another way within obj C that doesn't force the user into the imessage app I believe but Obj C is out of my scope.

Ask a Question / Re: send and recieve sms?
« on: April 03, 2013, 12:27:53 am »
Happy to mcbump this one for ya....
Anybody?  This plays into something I am wanting to do "challenge an opponent to a multi player dual"

I think i just answered my own question:
Straight from apple:

"If your App looks like it was cobbled together in a few days, or you're trying to get your first practice App into the store to impress your friends, please brace yourself for rejection. We have lots of serious developers who don't want their quality Apps to be surrounded by amateur hour."

From here:

Guess I need to put some effort into it....  I wonder if how they decide what's amateur hour because I've seen some crap out there..

Working on a game that could take months to create but I've been wondering if I should go ahead and submit a super simple app to apple to get familier with the submition process.

Does anyone think this is a good/bad idea?  And why.

Thought it would be easy to do a sound board with silly sayings or something. (That way I'm not ripping anyone's audio off)

I hate to take a break from the real project just to create something for testing but I was just thinking... Is there any reason not to do this super simple?    I've seen fart apps so I can't imagine apple will say "your app sucks;  and now we don't like you.   If all the apps on the App Store were good I'd think it was a bad thing... But considering its an app that likely nobody would download I could easily delete it after I'm ready to submit a "real" app

And yes, I know it's prob people like me that crowd the App Store with crap but at this point I doubt it would make a ripple in the overall quality of the apps out there.

Ask a Question / Re: Issues with Scene numbers and file size
« on: March 10, 2013, 03:47:03 pm »
For ipad apps themselves you are fine with a larger file size.  people are used to waiting a few more seconds to download.

I have a read along book i bought for iPad that is 508MB i downloaded!   Its almost a game though

I checked the file size of Fierce Grey Mouse and its 108MB and I have a jack and the beanstalk one that was like 140MB.

Pages: 1