Ask a Question / Re: Hyper-noob question: firing a MM-syle bullet
« on: July 29, 2011, 03:37:30 pm »Can I piggyback on this thread as its pretty much the same thing.
Be my guest 9_9
Anyway, YES, I got the animation working. What I had to do was change the "if" command where it says "Move Right Key + not Move Left Key = Walking" to "Move Right Key + (Not Move Left Key + Not Press Fire Button) = Walking."
Now I just have one, teensy weensey last question here, that I've tried my darndest to figure out:
To keep firing my character's weapon, you have to keep on mashing the Fire Button. Which is swell and all, but when you do that while running, it just plays the first frame of my character's "Running and Shooting" animation over and over again, making it look like he's stuck in the same frame while doing that. Any way I can fix that?
This is how I currently have my attack animations set up within the Walking behavior. (I didn't make the "Walking while shooting left" command yet.)