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Messages - CiampaGiuseppe8

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / ActionScript for a Slender Game.
« on: May 25, 2013, 06:40:42 am »
I would like to create a game similar to Slender, but I need the ActionScript for the enemy when he has to teleport, the score of the objects collected and the loss of sanity if the enemy appears in the frame. Do you know this ActionScripts?

I'm looking for collaborators for my first game. The game that I want to create is a Platform-Action game. The gameplay consists of 4 different characters to choose and 5 levels to complete. There will also be four mode:
-STORY: Play the main story.
-TUTORIAL: Learn the game controls.
-SURVIVAL: Choose a map and take on 10 waves of enemies.
-NEW PET CITY: Explore the city of New Pet City and meet its inhabitants.
During levels, the player can enter the rooms and find keys to unlock other rooms. There will also be power-ups, which are obtained by destroying objects, killing enemies or by saving the NPC prisoners.
Then there will be the difficulty of the game, and they are:
-NOOB: The enemies are weak and it will take more than an atomic bomb to beat you.
-ROOKIE: Enemies easy to beat and you will be strong enough.
-REALITY: The enemies are smart and strong, and you can die easily.
-PREPARE YOUR GRAVE: Strong enemies, almost indestructible, they are stronger than concrete. You'll have little chance of succeeding.
-IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND: Invincible enemies, they kill you in one hit, no chance of winning, no power-ups and checkpoints. Do not cry if you do not manage to win: the you've asked for it!
I hope to receive soon your answers.
Contact me on Skype, my name is giuseppeciampa8.

Ask a Question / FPS like Doom
« on: April 29, 2013, 08:05:24 am »
I would like to create a Doom-style game, it's possible do it with Stencyl? If you know how to do, I ask for your cooperation.

Ask a Question / Combo Behaviors
« on: April 13, 2013, 04:53:43 am »
Do you know a Behavior that is to make combos?
Ex: Punch, Punch, Punch = Super Punch
-Kick, Kick, Kick = Rotating Attack.
-Punch, Kick, Punch = Deadly Thrust.(LOL)
I hope to receive your answer.

Game Ideas / Multiplayer Online
« on: March 27, 2013, 11:22:49 am »
I am looking for a programmer who can create games with online multiplayer for some of my future projects.
The programmer must try at least to be able to create a waiting room online, a Deathmatch, Battle between teams, Survival, Capture the Flag and also a choice of characters in the waiting room.

Ask a Question / Re: Is possible create a Multiplayer Online.
« on: March 10, 2013, 12:20:05 pm »
Thanks for the advice.

Ask a Question / Re: Is possible create a Multiplayer Online.
« on: March 10, 2013, 09:28:16 am »
You know someone who knows how to do this? But it requires the pro version?

Ask a Question / Is possible create a Multiplayer Online.
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:44:16 am »
Hi, I wanted to know one thing about Stencyl: is possible create a multiplayer online with this program or serve the Pro version?

Game Ideas / Programmer, Compser ad Voice Actors wanteds!
« on: March 06, 2013, 10:02:42 am »
I'm looking for a good programmer who knows how to program online games, platform, beat em up, Casual Games and Shooter; a composer who creates music with electronic musical instruments or normal; and a voice actor who can also change with programs.
You have Skype?

Game Ideas / Re: JOSH & KEVIN
« on: March 05, 2013, 02:59:41 pm »
You can help me in the creation?

Game Ideas / JOSH & KEVIN
« on: March 05, 2013, 01:59:06 pm »
Hi guys, I'm new here! I'm designing a game called JOSH & KEVIN, and is a cross between Super Meat Boy and Rayman Origins. The main characters are Josh, a homosexual fox very shy, and Kevin, a blue bisexual cat very pervert. The two main characters have to go through various levels, defeat bosses until you reach the epilogue. Each character has different characteristics:
-Josh is fast, with his tail can slow a fall, but is weak: it can kill enemies with 3 hits.
-Kevin is slow, but very strong: his hits are worth 3 damage.
The game will also be published on Newgrounds.
If anyone wants to participate in the creation (perhaps a good programmer, musician, sound designer and voice actor), send me a message. My role is Artist/Animator/Writer.

Pages: 1