Even if my game works fine on my own Mac and gamer PC, the exported PC file seems
not to work accurate on some other PCs.
As soon as fullscreen mode is toggled, graphic issues appears in 50% of the cases.
It seems, that the scale mode (Scale to fit ((Letterbox)) doesn’t respect the aspect ratio.
Also a strange display error appears on the left edge of one actor art.
(See attached Images)
The weird thing:If the user toggles the fullscreen mode off and on again, the issue disappears in “most“ of the cases.
Toggling the fullscreen mode off and on again, leads to the issue again.
A friend from Brazil was so kind and recorded a video of this bug:
https://vimeo.com/129532805It’s not yet clear in wich case this error appears, since the exported file seems to work perfect on my personal PC. But also another friend reported this issue on his PC.
Maybe this issue depends on the monitor resolution?Example:It seems to work fine on a laptop with 1366x768 px resolution.
Error appears on a desktop PC with 1920x1080 px resolution.
Facts:I originally created this game on my Mac and transferred the project to my PC.
I have used the Stencyl build 8281 on Mac & PC.
On my PC I have installed Visual Studio 2013 express.
The conspicuous display error appears on the left edge of a 32x22 px transparent actor art.
Game Display Settings: 852x480 px
I have used the recommended Desktop Game Settings for pixel art games:
http://www.stencyl.com/help/view/full-screen-mode/Strange: I had a related issue on my Mac a while ago, but it disappeared by adjusting the game settings.
See the old topic here:
http://community.stencyl.com/index.php/topic,40402.msg227101.html#msg227101You can download the exported test file here:PChttp://siriusrising.mazeon.com/downloads/2015-06-01/2015-06-01_SiriusRising_PC.zipMAChttp://siriusrising.mazeon.com/downloads/2015-06-01/2015-06-01_SiriusRising_Mac.zipPress "F" for fullscreen.
I really don’t know how to handle this issue since I don’t have this issue on my personal PC.
I would appreciate help of some experienced Stencyler’s here!
Any tipp helps!