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Messages - AppChogie

Pages: 1
Chit-Chat / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: August 24, 2011, 01:56:53 am »
Hi guys,

My name is Keith Baker and I am a serving soldier in the British Army. I have for the last three years been making games for iOS with my side company AppChogie Games. I have now started to making apps for Windows Phone 7 and XNA. I have been invited to help test iStencyl and I look forward to learning this software.

If I can help you I will. I have many apps / games in the AppStore and I might be able to offer some help in that area.



Ask a Question / Making a water area for swimming
« on: August 24, 2011, 01:53:10 am »
Hi guys I am trying to add a water area to my game for swimming. I have tried to use the example in the platform pack however I cant make it work in my game.

I have the swimming & water behavior's I have set the region's name to "Water" but when my actor enter the water his animation does not change. In fact nothing happens as if the water is not even there?

Any ideas would really help.



Pages: 1