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Messages - JavinP

Pages: 1
Hello my name is Javin,

I am looking for a programmer to finish up a game I am currently working on. The main mechanics are done, it just needs some polishing, implementation of some mobile stuff, and leader boards.

Please feel free to contact me at 

Paid Work / Looking for Programmer [Paid Work]
« on: November 04, 2016, 11:51:36 am »

I'm going to make this plain and simple so everyone understands. I'm looking for a programmer to work on a mobile game that is about 40% done. it is a clicker style game. I will pay you per "progression" on code that will be needed, it also depends on how complicated the code is, and how much work will be needed to get it complete. I am also looking for someone who is fast paced and will be able to complete a set of task within a weeks time, the faster you work, the more you will make.
Note this is paid commission, and will require you to sign a NDA.
GDD *shortened*
- Clicker style
- Will be ported to moblie
- Skill trees and upgrades
- Random generation for damage and health
- Level design
- Swipe and touch controlls
- Unquie boss senarios
Must be able to:
- Pick up/use the code that is provided
- Work within intervals of two to three days
- Work as a team
- Implement assets that are given to you

If you are interested contact me at:

Ask a Question / Multiple Animations Management
« on: April 07, 2016, 01:27:30 pm »
Hello guys,

I've been working on a game that uses "8 way movements", I need to make it change the "set of animations" being used after X amount of time, I've tried a lot of things but nothing worked. I have 3 sets, of 4 direction animations (up, down, left, right) so 12 animations total (not including idle animations).
Player uses the normal 4 animations, then after X time, switch the animation set to a whole new 4 animations.

I've tried to make a countdown timer so [when created "set time to X"] and ["every X seconds decrement "time" by X"]  then for the animations ["If time = X"] (normal set of animations) ["otherwise if time = X"] (second set of animations)

This didn't work, but may have done something wrong.

Any Ideas?

Paid Work / Looking for programmer
« on: January 27, 2016, 05:34:03 pm »
What the game is about
single player RPG
WASD movement
story reliant
three classes: warrior, mage, archer
each have their own stories, all relevant to the plot
player must play as all classes in order to understand the plot’s entirety

Movesets (combo system)
click to attack
click up to an X amount of times before the animation resets
longer combo = more damage

Will need to be able to make:
- Character progression
- Skills system
- Upgrade management
- Save and  loads
- Cut scenes
- Boss battles
Anything else will be much appreciated

This will be paid work and shared revenue

Email me at

Paid Work / [Hiring]Looking For Small Team!
« on: January 24, 2016, 06:24:37 am »
I am looking for a small team of developers, programmers, artists and anything else you have to offer. I will be planning on shipping the game on to steam. This will be paid work as well as shared revenue. As of right now I do not know the amount I will pay per person.
I'm looking for people, people who want to do something that never got the chance to because they feel like they have limitations. I will not be bias on your education, your total experience, or anything of that sort, everyone should be able to get a chance. This does not mean I will choose anyone, I will choose who fits the best with the team.

What genre of game will it be?
The game will be a story based side scroller with RPG aspects. The game will have a real time combat, character progression, boss battles, branching character story, and much more.

Will need to be able to make:
- Character progression with an EXP system
- Skills system
- Inventory management
- Save and  loads
- Cut scenes
- Bosses battles
Anything else will be much appreciated

Will need to be able to make:
- Character attack animations
- Character skill animations
- Character cut scene expressions
- Tile sets
- Boss animations
- Projectiles
- Backgrounds
- Small miscellaneous background objects
I am not expecting one person to be able to all of this.

Game Developer
Will need to be able to:
- Work with everyone to get things into place
- Level design
- Have advanced knowledge of how stencyl works
- Work with me most of the time
You must have basic knowledge of all the above.

Anything else will be considered

Please send your resume and portfolio at

Old Bugs (1.x/2.x) / Cant Test or Publish game
« on: May 22, 2013, 06:35:12 pm »
hello, I just started making a new game and I've Had the "Game.xml" bug (still can't fix) and now it's to the point that i cant even Test or Publish games, I can't do anything on stencly anymore because i'm scared of just losing everything I've ever made. If it is possible can you please fix this bug. Also here is my logs.
                                                                                                                 - Thanks

Here is a youtube video of the error.

I've notice a "Fix" to the bug. When I made a new game with a three word title it doesn't seem to work and i get the "Game.xml" error, But when i make a game title with a two word title it seems to work. This is just a hunch.

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