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Messages - Fr1gid

Pages: 1 2
Ask a Question / Re: stencylforge 2?
« on: September 02, 2011, 03:29:20 pm »
Is there a link to more info? Or is this all things devs have mentioned on the forums?

Ask a Question / Re: I bit off more than I can chew.
« on: September 02, 2011, 12:31:27 pm »
Well I'm not sure what you mean by a peg jumping but sure  :D . It sounds like you have a problem with your install of Stencyl. If I were you I would back up my games and resources and do a fresh install of Stencyl Works. But maybe you should talk talk to a dev first. I'm off good luck.

Ask a Question / Re: I bit off more than I can chew.
« on: September 02, 2011, 12:10:09 pm »
That is strange. Well you could copy and paste your tiles into a new tile set. That should save have the collision bounds. Or dl a kit and then copy paste them into it.

Did you check the gravity because if you don't have gravity you won't collide with the surface below you. Also do you have a wall jump behavior enabled? If that allows you to jump normally then you probably need to look into your settings in the jump behavior. Maybe check the force and what not.

Game Art / Re: What programs do yall use to make yalls art?
« on: September 02, 2011, 11:36:02 am »
I use PhotoShop (I'm a student so sweet deals  8) )
Program wise it is advisable to just find a program an get comfortable with it. I like the more powerful programs (eg not paint (not because you can't make great stuff)) because they will give you layers and several other features that can make your life easier and more efficient.
Also you might consider what type of pixel art you are working on. A great feature of Graphics Gale is that it is designed all around animating sprites.

Remember it is practice and personal skill that makes the artist. Here is a link to some a list of awesome pixel art tutorials and other resources In some of those tuts there are discussion of programs as well.

Ask a Question / Re: I bit off more than I can chew.
« on: September 02, 2011, 11:32:14 am »
So you are saying the tiles don't have a collision shape? If so you can go into the tile set editor and change that. Enter the editor select a tile and on the upper right select a shape that matches the tile.

If it is the actor you do the same thing but in each frame of its animation you have to set up the collision box.

Edit: Actually check and make sure your gravity is enabled.

Paid Work / Re: Looking for a collab partner for Kongregate game!
« on: September 01, 2011, 03:04:01 pm »
Like he said it is helpful if you have some examples or some kind of plan before you start. Are you an experienced programer? If that is what you want to do and you are you could put that in your first post.
What style and how big (resolution) would also be interesting...

Ask a Question / Re: stencylforge 2?
« on: September 01, 2011, 02:58:19 pm »
Like Jon said the Forge will soon be more moderated. This means that when someone trys to take the premium content and re-upload it, it will not be allowed. They wont let you put it back up, and you most definitely will not be able to resell it.

Encryption of a file you are supposed to be able to use in your game and have complete control over is unnecessary and would be very annoying. Can you imaging trying to get a game working were you can't see the code in the behavior. You would have no idea what to do.
Or how about an un-editable tile set. what if you want to change a color in one of the tiles or really do anything. Locked actor, locked tile-set, locked behaviors, locked everything will do the developers no good. It would make the store much less attractive.

People who want to steal will steal but they will have to buy it legitimately first. A unique id attached to each store purchased item may be a solution but really there is little Stencyl can do about it with or without "mega ultra heavy duty encryption".

Other thread: There are restrictions on raising chickens in my town because they attract predators in to the city, creating even more dangerous situations (no chickens < child eaten by bear). Web sites that are trying to argue a point and are obviously biased will lie to you (or bend the truth as it is called). That is the point of their site, to sway you to their side by whatever means necessary.

Ask a Question / Re: stencylforge 2?
« on: August 31, 2011, 05:49:26 pm »
 :o Don't be so dramatic... No really. Yes it is serious business but the world isn't ending. I you are selling your product on a regulated market place you can keep track of your own income and figure your own taxes.
Whats all this about people running lemonade stands getting in trouble? If you have a booth at the fair or a stand in down town that you operate all summer then yes you should pay taxes. But little kids? Being sued? Questionable...

It is always good to be aware of the law and the how it applies to you but if the majority of the time it is not something you need to fret about. If Stencyl Forge gets a market place it will be entirely legal. You will most likely have to send in a tax form like on Kongregate and that will be it.

Out of curiosity what country are you from Grim?

On topic: I would really like to see rep points of some kind integrated into the Forge. That way when we have some awesome contributors they can be recognized, and quality products more easily found. It could be based loosely off dls, ratings and mabey some other criteria.

Resolved Questions / Re: Reading RBG value from an image?
« on: August 31, 2011, 05:19:09 pm »
OK that is good to know. Thanks. I guess that answers my question, I will look into it. 

Resolved Questions / [Solved] Reading RBG value from an image? [Solved]
« on: August 31, 2011, 02:02:34 pm »
Can Stencyl, without advanced custom blocks, read the RBG value from a specific pixel on an image? And edit said pixel through a behavior?

The goal is to be able to store the information of each block of a map in an image form.

Or you could create a 'Game Attribute' all your behaviors can see that. They behave very similarly to 'Actor Attributes' but can only be 'Number, Text, Boolean, or List'.

Paid Work / Re: Looking for a collab partner for Kongregate game!
« on: August 31, 2011, 01:31:05 pm »

Is the game playable? What kind of art are you looking for?

You can use forge graphics for place holders for a while.

Chit-Chat / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: August 29, 2011, 11:48:18 pm »
Hey I'm David.
Games are awesome, I love games. I would love to make fun games and play fun games. Stencyl definitely makes that much easier. You guys are awesome.
I have tried several different types of game engines and this is the one I have gotten farthest with. I enjoy creating art (drawing painting spriteing). I would like to one day learn how to code from scratch in a more powerful language.

I would also love to help anyone with general game stuff. If you just want a second opinion I would be happy to test your game or crit and give you some great feedback.

Chit-Chat / Re: How did you find out about us?
« on: August 29, 2011, 11:34:11 pm »

Journals / Re: What are you working on?
« on: August 26, 2011, 05:04:46 pm »
I'm currently working on my first attempt at a full game (after the quick crash-course and other tutorial stuff). 32x32 hero robot exploration/mystery game.

I've tried regular flash but this graphic programing is sweet.

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