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Messages - MotionTwin

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / Re: How to detect if an actor is inside a tile?
« on: December 27, 2013, 02:38:56 am »

Yop !
I have the same problem :
spawning an actor completely inside a group of tiles doesn't necessarily cause a collision.

But when i spawn inside a Type cause a collision.
Is there any behavior on stencyl 3 solve this?

Thanks !

Ask a Question / Re: How to detect if an actor is inside a tile?
« on: December 22, 2013, 03:25:14 am »
Thanks !
I guess this API do not exists on Stencyl 3.0 T_T

Ask a Question / How to detect if an actor is inside a tile?
« on: December 21, 2013, 10:02:41 am »
How to detect if an actor is inside a tile like we can do for regions?
i need to set an atribute to true when an actor is created in a tile. But actually actors knows if they Hits a tile (no collison->collison) an does not know when hitting a tile (inside a tile colision)

Can you help me?
Thanks a lot!

Ask a Question / Scene grid : how to get a tile coordinate ?
« on: December 16, 2013, 08:45:42 am »
I need an actor tells me the coordinates of the tile/square where he kills himself.
After that i need to check if the squares next to it are empty or not.

Do you have any idea how to get such information?


Pages: 1