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Messages - coronald

Pages: 1
Resolved Questions / Re: Temporarily switching animations on user input
« on: November 18, 2013, 01:08:12 pm »
That seems so obvious to me now that you said that.

Thanks a bunch! it worked.

Resolved Questions / Temporarily switching animations on user input [fixed]
« on: November 16, 2013, 10:58:12 pm »
I have been playing around with various attributes and blocks to try and get this to work, but I can't get it to behave quite the way I want to.

In my game the player-character has the ability to temporarily avoid getting hit. I achieve by having the click of a mouse switch the player to a different animation that has a smaller hit box, to avoid enemies.

That works fine, but I have yet to figure how to make switch back after a certain amount of time.

ideally I want the player to only be able to "hide" for a few seconds after the input, and not be able to 'hide' again for a few additional seconds.

here's the best I could come up with so far:

 it allows the animation to trigger, but subsequent presses of the mouse continue the cover animation, essentially allowing the player to be invincible indefinitely.
There is a "when created" block that makes this boolean false upon spawning as well.

Chit-Chat / Re: Favorite weapon for a zombie appocolpye?
« on: November 14, 2013, 05:45:17 pm »
The question would depend on the type of zombie we are dealing with in my opinion.

Zombies akin the ones in "the walking dead" aka our classic stupid shambling zombie:
Probably something sturdy like a metal baseball bat. I just need to bash their head in, if this was the only weapon I could have it would serve that purpose. It would also be relatively hard to break, and be much quieter than a gun, which would just attract more zombies.

Zombies along the lines of "day of dead" aka fast and highly aggressive:
In this scenario I would have an AK-47 for sure, it uses an ammo type that is fairly common so scavenging for more wouldn't be as hard. It was designed to be simple, and easy to maintain so it breaking is far less likely, and it would be easier to repair than other guns. If the zombies are fast and can run like all hell, killing them is priority one in any case I can't escape. Getting into melee range against even a small group would probably be suicide. The noise would have to be a tradeoff, as my first inclination would be to avoid zombies, so if I am in a situation where I am fighting one killing it takes all priority.

I think about these kind of things a bit too much

I see, I assumed the co-ordinates of the hit box were universal I had not looked at the actual frames individually. I just scrubbed through them in my image viewer, and the walking left and walking right frames are a bit off center relative to each other.

Looks like that fixed the problem! thanks.

I am scratching my head on this one, I am just utilizing the basic "move left and right" behavior that comes pre-packaged in stencyl, and for some reason whenever the actors changes directions, he "hops" for a moment. He moves enough to cause the screen the shake, as the camera is following him.

I check the collision boxes for every animation he has, they are all the same size, the same shape, and within the same co-ordinates. I eve use the debug draw feature, and the box never changes sizes.

Would something I am not think about cause this?

Pages: 1