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Messages - corcoranp

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / Re: AdMob Compile Error
« on: June 16, 2020, 09:09:14 pm »
Thanks for the answer.
FYI, I disabled the 3rd party AdMob plug-in in favor of the built-in monetization function in settings.   

Ask a Question / AdMob Compile Error
« on: June 16, 2020, 03:31:55 pm »
I'm getting the following error when I enable AdMob and attempt to compile my app:
error: Building for iOS, but the linked framework 'SafariServices.framework' was built for macOS. (in target 'A Maze Escape' from project 'A Maze Escape')

I do not have the AdMob Extension enabled.

Ask a Question / Re: MacOS Catalina test game error
« on: June 15, 2020, 05:35:01 pm »
Trying looking at System Preference>Security to make sure things are not being blocked.  Also, I've had to reinstall haxe, and neko sometimes to get things to work correctly.

Bug Archives / Re: Stencyl 3.2 Install & Building
« on: January 06, 2015, 07:35:11 pm »
Nope, the game just shuts down while running in the simulator

Bug Archives / Re: Stencyl 3.2 Install & Building
« on: January 03, 2015, 07:39:40 pm »
I removed my profile's stencylworks folder and started that fresh.  I have a number of games from a previous profile that I carried over.  That may have had something to do with the error.

I was able to get a little further and compile a game and it would start the iOS simulator, but then the game is caught in a reboot loop.  I'm about to call it quits.  I've spent about 40 hours over my break on trying to get this to work right.

Bug Archives / Re: Stencyl 3.2 Install & Building
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:48:02 pm »
yep, I saw that, did a search for _free_abstract, and it doesn't show up in the standard Stencyl-full directory.  However it does show up in an old Stencyl folder I had as a backup under NekoAPI.cpp

- No Extensions enabled for this project.  It's just a vanilla project with 1 scene
- I can not build any iOS games

Bug Archives / Re: Stencyl 3.2 Install & Building
« on: January 03, 2015, 01:00:03 pm »
I'm having issues building from either.   I've included logs from both IDEs. 

When I run the haxe -version command in terminal from my Stencyl-full/plaf/haxe folder
 haxe -version

When I run the haxe - version command in terminal from /usr/bin/
haxe -version

Bug Archives / Re: Stencyl 3.2 Install & Building
« on: January 03, 2015, 12:20:55 pm »
I agree, I didn't expect to have to update anything. However, a fresh "install" fails to build for iOS apps. 

Here's the lib version from a fresh unzip
actuate: [1.6.5]
air3: [3.4]
box2d: [1.11]
box2d-fake: [1.11]
console: [1.00]
format: [3.0.4]
hxlibc: [1.0.0]
hxtools: [1.1.6]
openfl: [1.1.1]
openfl-html5-dom: [1.1.1]
openfl-native: [1.1.4]
openfl-nme-compatibility: [1.0.2]
polygonal-ds: [1.4.1]
polygonal-printf: [1.0.0-beta]
stencyl: [1.00]
svg: [1.0.7]
tilelayer: [0.2.1]

Attached are the logs.

I exported an XCode project to see if I could build it, but it failed with the error:
Library openfl-native version 1.1.4 does not have a neko dll for your system

Which was what prompted me to update the installed libraries.  I've attached the full xcode log as well.

Bug Archives / Stencyl 3.2 Install & Building
« on: January 02, 2015, 11:14:29 pm »
I've struggled to get Stencyl 3.2 installed on my new Mac Mini. 
System specs: OSX Yosemite Version 10.10.1 (14B25)

I've tried the vanilla Stencyl "install", created a new project and attempted to compile and run a game using the iOS Simulator, but I continue to have problems compiling.  I've spend days trying to run a simple build. 

Where I am current is, I've updated all the haxe libararies, and installed a couple that seemed to be missing.
running a "haxelib list" from the install folder:
 haxelib list
actuate: 1.6.5 [1.8.0]
air3: [0.0.1] 3.4
box2d: 1.11 [1.2.2]
box2d-fake: [1.11]
console: [1.00]
format: 3.0.4 [3.1.2]
hxcpp: [3.1.48]
hxlibc: 1.0.0 [1.1.4]
hxtools: [1.1.6]
lime: [2.0.4]
nme: [5.2.7]
openfl: 1.1.1 [2.2.1]
openfl-html5: [1.4.2-beta]
openfl-html5-dom: 1.1.1 [1.2.2]
openfl-native: 1.1.4 [1.4.0]
openfl-nme-compatibility: [1.0.2]
polygonal-ds: [1.4.1]
polygonal-printf: 1.0.0-beta [1.0.2-beta]
stencyl: [1.00]
svg: 1.0.7 [1.0.8]
tilelayer: [0.2.0] 0.2.1

I'm attaching my log for that last build, it had over 200 errors.

I've already done a clean removal of haxe and neko, and attempted to start fresh, but haven't been successful.  One thing that may help is if someone provides me a list of libraries (with versions) that are expected to function with 3.2 version of Stencyl.   

Any Help?

Thanks Peter Corcoran

Extension Ideas / Facebook Extension Modification - LIKE a URL
« on: May 12, 2014, 07:48:29 pm »
After a couple days, I've managed to modify the Facebook extension to allow my games to 'LIKE' a URL link and post it to a user's timeline.

Start by modifying the FacebookExtension.hx file found in:
"[Stencyl Install Location]\plaf\haxe\extensions\facebook\FacebookExtension.hx"

Code: [Select]
public static var _likeActionInstance: String;
public static var _error: String;

public static function facebookLikeUrl(URL: String){
//Add a listener to run after the data is retreived
fb.addEventListener( HypFacebookRequestEvent.GRAPH_REQUEST_RESULTS, _onLikeComplete );

var arr:Array<String> = ["publish_actions"];

var h = new Map<String,String>( );
h.set( 'object', URL ); //Set the URL to like GRAPH_REQUEST("/v2.0/me/og.likes", h , POST) );
public static function _onLikeComplete( event : HypFacebookRequestEvent ) : Void {
_likeActionInstance = event.sResult;
_error = event.sError;
    public static function getLikeStatusInstance (): String{ return _likeActionInstance; }
  public static function getLastErrorMessage (): String { return _error; }

Then add the following code to the blocks.xml file located:
"[Stencyl Install Location]\plaf\haxe\extensions\facebook\blocks.xml"

Code: [Select]
<block tag="fb-like" spec="Facebook User Likes URL: %0" code="FacebokExtension.facebookLikeUrl(~);" type="action" color="blue" returns="void">
<text order="0"></text>
<block tag="fb-like-instance" spec="Get Like Action Instance" code="FacebokExtension.getLikeStatusInstance()" type="normal" color="gray" returns="text">

<block tag="fb-last-error" spec="Get Last Error" code="FacebokExtension.getLastErrorMessage()" type="normal" color="gray" returns="text">

Close any existing game and reopen.  New blocks will be available in the Custom block location.

Extension Ideas / Extension Mod: Adding a Like URL block
« on: May 12, 2014, 07:34:50 pm »
After a couple days, I've managed to modify the extension to allow my games to 'LIKE' a URL link and post it to a user's timeline.

Start by modifying the FacebookExtension.hx file found in:
"[Stencyl Install Location]\plaf\haxe\extensions\facebook\FacebookExtension.hx"

Code: [Select]
public static var _likeActionInstance: String;
public static var _error: String;

public static function facebookLikeUrl(URL: String){
//Add a listener to run after the data is retreived
fb.addEventListener( HypFacebookRequestEvent.GRAPH_REQUEST_RESULTS, _onLikeComplete );

var arr:Array<String> = ["publish_actions"];

var h = new Map<String,String>( );
h.set( 'object', URL ); //Set the URL to like GRAPH_REQUEST("/v2.0/me/og.likes", h , POST) );
public static function _onLikeComplete( event : HypFacebookRequestEvent ) : Void {
_likeActionInstance = event.sResult;
_error = event.sError;
    public static function getLikeStatusInstance (): String{ return _likeActionInstance; }
  public static function getLastErrorMessage (): String { return _error; }

Then add the following code to the blocks.xml file located:
"[Stencyl Install Location]\plaf\haxe\extensions\facebook\blocks.xml"

Code: [Select]
<block tag="fb-like" spec="Facebook User Likes URL: %0" code="FacebokExtension.facebookLikeUrl(~);" type="action" color="blue" returns="void">
<text order="0"></text>
<block tag="fb-like-instance" spec="Get Like Action Instance" code="FacebokExtension.getLikeStatusInstance()" type="normal" color="gray" returns="text">

<block tag="fb-last-error" spec="Get Last Error" code="FacebokExtension.getLastErrorMessage()" type="normal" color="gray" returns="text">

Close any existing game and reopen.  New blocks will be available in the Custom block location.

Resolved Questions / Re: Trigger Fire Bullet
« on: May 12, 2014, 05:30:34 pm »
Can you post a screenshot of the behavior?

Also, you said you want to make the enemy shoot on button/mouse, AND every two seconds?? which do you want it to do?

Ask a Question / Re: Help
« on: May 12, 2014, 05:26:44 pm »
cannot load data from

It looks like you are trying to POST to  they don't like when you do that.

Need some help....
PROBLEM: I'm not able to retrieve any user or friend information from the "Facebook Player Data List".  I'm able to login, post to facebook using the "Facebook Feed Dialog.." block.  Even after placing the "Get Player Data... " block I'm unable to get any information about the user.

- iOS version of my game
- Running the 3.0.0 (b1000) version of Stencyl

Pages: 1