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Messages - randyart

Pages: 1
Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Re: Crash After Changing Physics Settings
« on: February 15, 2015, 07:54:21 pm »
Okay, thanks.

I was able to get around the error by building my blocks differently, but I thought I would notify you guys anyway...

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Re: Crash After Changing Physics Settings
« on: February 15, 2015, 03:29:35 pm »
Did the attached log file give some helpful hints as to what is happening?

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Crash After Changing Physics Settings
« on: February 06, 2015, 03:07:22 pm »
Using: Mac 10.10.2 | Stencyl Build 8140 (& older builds as well)

After changing physics settings on an Actor, I get the error box:
"Ouch this shouldn't have happened..."
With extended message in error log.

I've been getting other weird errors (and lost an entire test project) but I will post more later.


Pages: 1