's here! The sequel to Guy - Opposite and Guy - Jewels is finally out!
What is this awesome new game? This awesome new game is called
Guy - Numbers.
Description: Rever puts up poster saying that there is going to be a meeting at 1:23 pm on 1356 Number Drive. The Numbers show up. Rever said"If you get this Princess, I'll give you 123,456,789 dollars". "Why would we want something of our own kind?" said One. "How about I provide food and drinks for a year?" said Rever. "How about a lifetime" said Two. "Then it's settled" said Rever. "Let's get this show on the road!" He said. (The Numbers leave) "We have to do something" said Three. "Why?" said Four. "Because the Princess that the guy is talking about is the a ruler of Correction Kingdom!" said Three. "So?" said Four. Five jumps into the conversation saying "That's right! Number Town is in Correction Kingdom!". (7 numbers faint) "We could go back and say never mind." said Three. (Five and Three enter) "We'd like to cancel" say Five and Three. "A deal's a deal." says Rever.
Credit to: MicroMister , dutchlee, and hbmargulies.