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Messages - Elensar

Pages: 1
The full version of this that AnemoneLabSNC was working on probably honors app scales. I'll let him reply on the status of that.

Hi Jon,  scaling is now ok for me. I used external texture packer to scale atlas for each engine scale. Animation is now same in every engine scale. After that SkeletonData must be scaled during the import using scale property.
Where I need your help is the centering animation on actor. Trivial task but nothing work ;)
In the attachment you can find commented spine behavior and loading the right atlas  for scaled skeleton data... If you need another scaled atlases from your spine animation let me know.
I think that must be something about localtoglobal conversion+scale. Trivial but hard to say.

Off topic: I have the same issue when I add normal bitmap to actor and center this bitmap on actors center. Works only in 1x engine scale.

Thank you for your time and have a nice day

Suggestion Archives / Ability to play all imported sounds
« on: January 14, 2014, 12:55:37 am »
In the sound detail I can play sound. After some time I can't check if I imported proper sound.

Suggestion 1:
Ability to choose the sound which will be played in sound player to check all imported sounds (mp3, ogg).

Suggestion 2:
Import wav and convert it to right format based on export settings.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Extension Ideas / Re: Spine by Esoteric Software
« on: January 13, 2014, 07:10:33 am »
Here's my 30 minute crack at this doing exactly as I said: Wrapping spinehx into a plain extension (attached) and writing a little bit of code (based off their sample) to use it.

Good work, works great! I test skeleton render to have a scale based on device scale (1,1.5,2,4) works also great.
But have one sprite sheet at 4x scale for smaller devices is bad. Is there a chance to generate 4 sizes of sprite sheet and scale skeleton data or other solution (to keep app scaling)? 

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