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Messages - robinschaafsma

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 39
Extensions / Re: [IOS/Android] UnityAds Video and Rewarded Video (0.1.4)
« on: September 29, 2019, 01:51:52 pm »
Update 0.1.4

-Update SDK to iOS: 3.2.0 Android: 3.2.0, Android fix issue READ_PHONE_STATE

Download zip from:
or update automatic in Toolset manager.

Extensions / Re: [IOS/Android] UnityAds Video and Rewarded Video (0.1.3)
« on: September 29, 2019, 06:37:29 am »
I too am getting the same issue, and have the latest toolset installed (35).

it's look like you don't have enable Unityads in the Toolset. Check this and activate toolset by opening it every time you open your game.

Extensions / Re: Spine Skeleton Engine Extension v0.0.5
« on: July 03, 2019, 01:17:24 pm »
Update 0.0.5

- Fix for Haxe 4 >

Download from:

Hi Robin,

I can't get the unity extension work (see attchment, log and screenshots).
The byrobin manager is enable and also the unity extension.
I just put the initialize blocks as you can see in the screenshots... If I remove them the game runs fine.
I'm trying to test it on android, I'm using Stencyl 4 build 10331.
Can you help me out?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi Alessandro,

The only thing I can think of is that you not running the latest version of Toolset manager.
Try to install this manually from:
Unizip inside  ../stencylworks/extensions


- 2.9.3(2019-04-07) Minor Android fix.

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Thank you very much Robin!
Now only the Tapdaq one is left... ;)

And Facebookads  ;) ;)

Better late then never  :D :D


- 2.9.2(2019-03-24) Update SDK to: 9.54.1; set and get users consent; Required extension manager 0.2.5 >

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Extensions / Re: byRobin Extension Manager (0.2.5)
« on: March 24, 2019, 02:11:38 pm »
Update 0.2.5

- 2019-03-24(0.2.5) Updated for Heyzap extension 2.9.2

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Hi Robin,
first of all I would like to welcome you back and thank you for making all your extensions Opensource.
Could you please update Tapdaq iOS Sdk? I noticed that Android is running sdk 6.3.4 (september 2018) while iOS is still running sdk 5.9.4 (december 2017) that is quite outdated (no GDPR support).
Since HeyZap extension hasn't been updated as well there isn't any mediation extension for Stencyl at the moment.
Thanks a lot.

Yes it’s on my to do list  ;)

Extensions / Re: Spine2D Extension - Scaling for multiple devices
« on: February 17, 2019, 03:44:50 pm »
Since my Spine file was created at a size 4x the scale, I would essentially use the [3 / scale factor] which should technically give me the correct scale regardless of device being used?
You can test it to set the current scale block to 1, 1.5 2,3 or 4. I did that in flash.. so you can test if it scaling is alright.
Example: (Codeblock: Engine.SCALE = 4;)
Also, when it comes to collision bounds, does the box collider natively scale with the Spine scale, or would I also need to scale the collision bounds as well (i.e. create the box collider to the new scale size, or just set it to the original Width/Height of the Spine file)?
Yes the box collider should native scaling with the spine scale.

Extensions / Re: Spine2D Extension - Scaling for multiple devices
« on: February 17, 2019, 11:07:54 am »
Hi JuicyBeetleGames,

I think the advantage of Spine is that you have less assets in your game, if you create separate scale files you don't have this advantage.

A better way is to use the scale option inside the create spine block. See attach...
This way it should be scaling for each mobile device.

Hope this helps. (I tested manually on flash and it works)

Extensions / Re: [IOS/Android] UnityAds Video and Rewarded Video (0.1.3)
« on: February 03, 2019, 09:15:24 am »
Hey Robin! Love the updated extension. It works fine on the current device that I am testing but I am trying to upload to the app store and test flight but I am currently getting an error that says class<UnityAds> has no field... any idea as to how to fix this? I appreciate any time you (or anyone else) can take to look at this. Thank you so much!

You have to activate the Toolset manager.. You can activate it by just clicking in it.

You have to this every time you open your game.

Toolset Extensions / Re: byRobin Toolset Extension (8)
« on: January 23, 2019, 02:52:55 am »

I guess An update is needed for 4.0  build 10240.

No it should be working:

No these are stencyl blocks, basically it takes a screenshot (Current screen as image) and I use the block "Part of []" to only take a part of the screenshot where the score is but the selected area isn't cropped properly. But now I think it's a Stencyl issue, not your extension.

About Save to Camera Roll, yea remove it if you can't fix the issue but it's a great feature! Thanks for your extensions btw

Fix save to camera Roll

Update extension manager in General Page to version 0.2.4

Extensions / Re: byRobin Extension Manager (0.2.4)
« on: January 20, 2019, 02:49:29 am »
Update 0.2.4

- 2019-01-20(0.2.4) Added NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription to save image to camera roll
with Simple Share extension.

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