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Messages - JensTrolldom

Pages: 1
iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: CaveClimber (iOS and Android)
« on: April 04, 2014, 07:26:36 am »
On android the ads are working perfectly. On iOS it's only showing in some regions. Don't know what's the problem ;/

iPhone / iPad / Android / CaveClimber (iOS and Android)
« on: March 17, 2014, 03:10:51 am »
So, my first game is finally out! :D
Check it out, rate it and tell me what you think :)

Went for the free model, with iAds/AdMob.
I got most of the resources from StencylForge (I've put everyone i downloaded from in the Credits).

What is CaveClimber?

CaveClimber is a really easy game to play, but extremely hard to master.

You are stuck at the bottom of a cave, and the only way out is up. So what do you do? Yes, you start climbing. The only catch is that if you hit anything, you lose.

Can you reach the top?

(i'm also aware of the iPad scaling issue, and have uploaded a update for it to appstore that's waiting for review.) (iOS) (Android)

Edit: Some screenshots :)

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: My New Game: JIMMY!! OUT NOW!!
« on: March 13, 2014, 01:09:41 pm »
I liked it alot better now! Just out of curiosity, how did you solve the double jump?

And even tho it's common knowledge, it's wise to sort out serious gameplay issiues before releasing the game. Because most of the people who play/use a unfinished product, will most likely don't try it again when you finaly sort out the issiues. Wise to have that in mind for further games you eventually will make down the line.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: My New Game: JIMMY!! OUT NOW!!
« on: March 11, 2014, 11:05:45 am »
First off, since you have made some changes, how big is your actuall .swf file? Don't know if it's just here, but it took a looong time to load your game, so for opitimizing purposes i would recommend to use "Debug->Game->Cleanup Unused Files" from within stencyl, and also run pngoo on all of your images(To reduce file size), if you haven't done that yet.

The game itself is just another "flappy bird", but i assumed that this was mostly for learning purposes.
For me, the "story" doesn't matter in a game like this (Since there is basically no end, and no "winning"). And i didn't get the whole floating head thing (Maybe because i skipped the last parts of the story/intro).

For the gameplay part, it needs a lot of optimizing. At least at my computer (High-end), it got low framerate, all the time. Also the doublejump feature was just really anoying, as it felt as it was random when it double jumped or single jumped. And the double jump was like 3 times higher than the singel jump. I think that you're better off with just using single jump.

It would also be better (as someone else suggested) to allow restarts from the space button. Just use the same boolean as you use for the "Game over" to popup, and add a "If boolean =true" "If space was pressed" "Reload scene".

But that's just my 2 cents.

Btw, liked some of the graphics you have used, and it's a pretty decent game to be your first! Keep up the good work :)

Okey, to anyone else that have problems with the size. And to the devs to look onto: My game was over 200mb compiled, and just kept rising when i was deleting stuff, and optimizing png's. So i excpect it to be a cache problem. So i exported the whole project, and imported it again. Compiled, and now 20,9mb!!!! :D

But might be a cache problem?

I've nearly halfed the size of all png's in the game. From 18mb to 10mb, but it only removed 4mb of the finished .IPA. Can't get the game to compile without the 1,5x 2x and 4x... Is there any way to override it or something? So i atleast for now can test if those *x images actually is my main problem.

Update: Checked the resource folder fo mye game. And every picture is saved with a 1.5x, 2x, and 4x copy of it

Edit: Tried to delete the 1.5x, 2x, and 4x manually, but stencyl creates new ones when i try to publish.

I just checked a couple of exports. The flash builds do only have the 1x assets in the export folders.

I create a simple game, one scene. The basic SWF is always about 450 to 500 KB, that's the engine "overhead" I assume?

Checked the basic size for .IPA, and it's 2.7mb (One scene, nothing in it.)

I Also started making my game (with several stencylforge items) in stencyl 2.2, then upgraded to 3.0. Compiled it to .swf several times for testing. Then i bought a mac, and started working on the same project (Exported/imported) on the mac.

Now when i compile it to .swf, the filesize is 23mb, as before. But when i compile it to the .IPA (For iOS) it's 187.1mb. Tried to turn the scaling down from 4x to 1x on both iOS and Android in the settings->mobile, and turned Scaling from full screen, to no scaling. Still, same size.  It's a rather small game, so the size really worries me.

The things i'm using is 1 background, 21 tilesets (Using 2-4 tiles from each set, if that matters), and 1 actor (duplicated 10 times), no sounds, 9 fonts, and 12 scenes (11 small ones 10x18 tiles, and one big witch is 10x603 tiles). Every tileset, fonts, and the actor are found on stencylforge (though i couldn't find the actor on stencylforge 3.0). And if i edit one of the tiles in the tilesets it's like 300 bytes to 1.62kb in size, and the background is like 600kb.

Got any solutions? Haven't tried the "Cleanup unused files" function yet, since i'm not done making the game. Don't know if this will have a impact on the filesize or just optimizing the game it self?

Edit: Also tried to publish to xcode, and the whole folder that was published was 38,7mb. Don't know if it's relevant tho

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