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Messages - manueljoshua

Pages: 1 2
Hello all. I'm just recently getting back into stencyl. I come across this error whenever I try to edit a scene other than the opening scene. Not sure if that has anything to do with why I can't edit them though...

Anyways the logfile is attached :)

Hello. For some reason, I am unable to log into the nuggeta developer site. I signed up, put my info in, then tried signing up.

When I put in the correct info, and click the "log in" button, it appears that absolutely nothing happens. But when I type in the wrong password, I get this little red line of text letting me know I have indeed typed in the wrong password.

Anyone else getting this?

I really want to use this extension, but if I can't get into nuggeta then I'm completely stuck!

Please help!

Ask a Question / Re: iOS certificate problem
« on: October 10, 2014, 04:47:54 am »
Thought I'd mention, I am able to compile it in the ios simulator. However I am positive (I've checked like 20 times) that I am using the distribution .p12 and not the developer .p12

Any help would be great!

Ask a Question / Re: iOS certificate problem
« on: October 10, 2014, 04:03:25 am »
I think I may have discovered the problem. When I go to check if the .mobileprovisions have been installed, my Organizer screen of XCode doesn't have the Provisioning Profiles Tab on the left!

What do I do?

Ask a Question / iOS certificate problem
« on: October 10, 2014, 03:39:33 am »
Hey everyone. I've followed the list here:

To the letter.

I've done it over and over. Every time I click test on iOS device I get the same thing. "Code Sign error: No matching codesigning identity found: No codesigning identities (i.e. certificate and private key pairs) matching “iPhone Developer” were found."

I don't know what else to do. please help.

Ask a Question / Re: Android game crashing as I try to save the game
« on: October 09, 2014, 03:49:06 pm »
I even have this logic in for saving the game:

(of course with the Set isgamesaved to 0  each time a new game starts.)

Ask a Question / Re: Android game crashing as I try to save the game
« on: October 09, 2014, 03:36:16 pm »
How is the scene change between scene 1 and 2 controlled exactly? Are you sure that the code instructs only once to switch the scene? It can happen quickly that you have a piece of code that is executed multiple times while a scene switch is in progress, for example if you do this in an update event:

If PlayerDead then
     switch to scene 2 and Fade Out for 1 seconds and fade in for 1 second

the scene switch will be executed multiple times during that one second fade out, since the conditon "PlayerDead" still is true. So I would make sure that the scene change and the subsequent save is only executed once, maybe this also resolves the NullPointerException. If not, post again, I'm sure we will be able to resolve this somehow then. ;)

Hello thanks for your reply!! I have the scene change when an "Enemy Missile" hits the player, then fades to the "Gameover" scene for 0 seconds.

So I think It might be something else :(

Ask a Question / Android game crashing as I try to save the game
« on: October 09, 2014, 02:56:38 pm »
Hello all!

So, as soon as I tried to implement a "save highscore" feature, the game crashes! I set it up to save the game right after a scene change. but as the scene starts to change, the game crashes, which leads me to believe that it is the saving that something is going wrong with.

Upon inspection of the logs I found something strange. Some outputs were being repeated several times! I've attached my logs below, so hopefully some of you can help me figure this one out!

Thanks in advance for your time! Your help is very apprecieated!!!

[LOG] Running command: TRACE
[LOG]  - Changing directory: /Users/joshuamanuel/stencylworks/android-sdk/android-sdk-macosx//platform-tools/
[LOG]  - Running command: ./adb logcat -c
[LOG]  - Changing directory: /Users/joshuamanuel/stencylworks/android-sdk/android-sdk-macosx//platform-tools/
[LOG]  - Running command: ./adb logcat
[LOG] --------- beginning of /dev/log/main
[LOG] --------- beginning of /dev/log/system
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 480
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 480
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 320
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 320
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 480
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 320
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 2
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 2
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 4
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 4
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 2x
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 2x
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:388: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:388: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:389: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:390: true
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:590: Algorithm: Scale to Fit (Full Screen)
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:389: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1.6875
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 2
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:390: true
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 1.6875
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 4
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:590: Algorithm: Scale to Fit (Full Screen)
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 2x
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1.6875
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 1.6875
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:388: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:389: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:390: true
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:590: Algorithm: Scale to Fit (Full Screen)
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Purchases.hx:32: Purchases: Started
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1.6875
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Purchases.hx:32: Purchases: Started
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 1.6875
[LOG] I/trace   (32447): Purchases.hx:32: Purchases: Started
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 480
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 320
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 2
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 480
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 320
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 4
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 2x
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:388: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:389: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:390: true
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:590: Algorithm: Scale to Fit (Full Screen)
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1.6875
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 1.6875
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 2
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Purchases.hx:32: Purchases: Started
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 4
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 2x
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:388: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:162: Stage Width: 480
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:389: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:163: Stage Height: 320
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:390: true
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:590: Algorithm: Scale to Fit (Full Screen)
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:164: Screen Width: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1.6875
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:165: Screen Height: 1080
[ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
[ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
[LOG] Unexpected problem on thread AWT-EventQueue-0: null
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 1.6875
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:166: Screen DPI: 442.4509888
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:197: Widescreen (Aspect Ratio > 1.5)
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:302: Theoretical Scale: 2
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Purchases.hx:32: Purchases: Started
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:314: Max Scale: 4
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:315: Engine Scale: 2x
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:388: 1920
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:389: 1080
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:390: true
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:590: Algorithm: Scale to Fit (Full Screen)
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:669: Scale X: 1.6875
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Universal.hx:670: Scale Y: 1.6875
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Purchases.hx:32: Purchases: Started
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Engine.hx:1760: Switching to scene 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Engine.hx:1760: Switching to scene 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Engine.hx:1760: Switching to scene 1
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Engine.hx:1760: Switching to scene 2
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Engine.hx:1760: Switching to scene 2
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Engine.hx:1760: Switching to scene 2
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Script.hx:3067: FLUSHED
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Script.hx:3067: FLUSHED
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Script.hx:3067: FLUSHED
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Script.hx:3078: Saved Game: mySave
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Script.hx:3078: Saved Game: mySave
[LOG] I/trace   (32763): Script.hx:3078: Saved Game: mySave
[ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
[ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
[LOG] Unexpected problem on thread AWT-EventQueue-0: null

Old Bugs (3.x) / Re: Can't test Game on iPhone simulator
« on: May 09, 2014, 01:47:26 pm »
I have this issue as well. My project name is CrappyBirdAdventure. No spaces, no numbers, no special characters, nothing. Has anyone found a way to fix this?

Ask a Question / "Uncaught Exception - Eof" Error! Help!
« on: May 09, 2014, 12:14:20 pm »

This line just started showing up in the logs, and halting the compiling process for iOS and Android builds, but not flash:

Uncaught exception - Eof

I've let it run for a while, and I'm pretty sure it's genuinely stuck.

The only thing that I can think that caused this was a new Behavior I installed, CustomFacebookShareButton off of StencylForge.

I'm wondering if anyone has gotten this behavior to work, or if there is another way to accomplish it's functionality of submitting a link to facebook?

Or maybe it's something else all together?

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

Ask a Question / Re: Test iAds work, live ads don't
« on: April 07, 2014, 04:14:52 pm »
Have you checked where these 100 downloads came from (country)?

here's a screenshot:

Ask a Question / Re: Test iAds work, live ads don't
« on: April 07, 2014, 02:40:54 pm »
From experience I know iAds takes about one week before you get any impressions because iAds-service team has to activate it first. There you'll still see requests before they've activated it.

But I'm not seeing any requests either...

Ask a Question / Re: Test iAds work, live ads don't
« on: April 07, 2014, 01:50:49 pm »

Maybe you should post a link to your game here so we can tell you if we see ads when we install ?

Sure thing.

Thanks for checking :)

Ask a Question / Re: Test iAds work, live ads don't
« on: April 07, 2014, 01:41:41 pm »
If Apple didn't reject the app, then the ads will work. There may not be any inventory of current ads for your game, so nothing shows up. If you start receiving revenue, then it's definitely working, regardless of what you see.

Well, when I look at my itunes connect, my game has zero requests, zero impressions, zero everything.

And I have over 100 downloads so far so I know people are playing it.

Ask a Question / Re: Test iAds work, live ads don't
« on: April 07, 2014, 01:39:12 pm »
Maybe iAds aren't supported in your country, then of course they won't show

Good point, however I live in the US.

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