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Messages - Hairball

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I'd like my text to pause as though I had a <but> tag whenever it hits the bottom of the window (instead of just scrolling ahead).  So kinda I'd like to show the dialog a page at a time (I have the draw speed set very fast) and the user can press a button to go to the next page.   

I changed the font, and now all my "but" tags need to be adjusted accordingly.  It occurred to me that it might be easier to just modify the dialog code so that instead of scrolling the text, it could do a but/clear when it's past the boundaries, then continue drawing text at the top.   

Has anyone else done something like this?

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Barfy Cat: Freefall (beta) [Android]
« on: June 14, 2016, 01:51:19 pm »
I added instructions and made the Google Play integration a lot less intrusive.  :)

Still have to tweak the dialogs as the text breaks at the wrong times due to a changed font size.  Also I am adding a 'skip' button so you can just get out of the dialog. 

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Barfy Cat: Freefall (beta) [Android]
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:00:31 am »
Then you really should make an in-game help / guide how to play this game. You can't expect your gamers to know it !

You'd think I'd have thought of that before now. :P 

I'm adding some instructions to be shown at the beginning (and an option to let you no longer see them if you don't want to).   

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Barfy Cat: Freefall (beta) [Android]
« on: May 02, 2016, 01:21:50 pm »
Well a lot of side-clicking eventually gave me the option to select ' story ' mode.
But it is really frustrating and also in game I didn't felt I had control over the kitten. Must be m.e. I'm terrible at these kinds of games.
Maybe wait for some other people giving 'real gamers' feedback.

The controls take a bit of getting used to.  If you have played "Radiant" (a retro shooter) I've kind of done similar controls in "tap mode".  Tap the left side to move left, right side to move right.   "Follow mode" just makes her try to move toward the X coordinate of your finger.   

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Barfy Cat: Freefall (beta)
« on: May 02, 2016, 09:19:29 am »
Just my opinion, but you shouldn't have a game that forces a player to click through a bunch of things and adjust their settings. The game should be automated. The majority of players will not be as patient of mdotedot.

I chose to default the Google Play option to 'yes' assuming that most players would be OK with that and want it (for achievements and leaderboards) and so they wouldn't have to go dig for it.  I wonder what the actual statistics are? 

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Barfy Cat: Freefall (beta)
« on: May 02, 2016, 08:33:02 am »

I agree.   I'll make the Google Play checkbox will default to 'no' (preventing this from happening) and the users can enable it if they care about the leaderboards, etc. 

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Barfy Cat: Freefall (beta)
« on: May 02, 2016, 07:32:44 am »

Do you have a "deny" option on the Google Play dialog?  On mine I can click 'deny' then when it asks me to choose an account for Google Play Games I can just tap outside of that box and it goes away.   

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Barfy Cat: Freefall (beta)
« on: May 02, 2016, 07:23:47 am »

If you go to the options menu and uncheck "Use Google Play Games" you should be able to play.

iPhone / iPad / Android / Barfy Cat: Freefall (beta) [Android]
« on: May 02, 2016, 06:53:26 am »
Finally put a beta version of my game out there:

I know there are a few issues.  I need to fix the level select screen -- I changed the font and didn't adjust the code accordingly so levels that are 'locked' look weird. 

Hope it's fun.  I'll be re-tuning the difficulty once I get some players and can see how  far people get.  I have Google play events that show me for each level the raw number of attempts for that level vs. the number of wins.  If a level has a hundred attempts and only one win, it's too hard.  But a hundred attempts and a hundred wins = too easy. :)  I can personally beat all the levels at least. :)

Any feedback would be much appreciated. :) 

Dialog Extension / Re: [SOLVED] Namebox sizing issues
« on: November 05, 2015, 06:54:19 am »
Not a problem. :)

Dialog Extension / [SOLVED] Namebox sizing issues
« on: October 20, 2015, 08:46:21 am »

This was dumb.  :)

In my game, I had to set the name window to scale "inside border" instead of "entire image" and set the border to the correct number.  Now the name box is perfect!

Ask a Question / Re: Endless Runner Ground Generator
« on: October 20, 2015, 07:04:39 am »
Another option: in a 'when-updating' event, check the X coordinate. If it's less than -100 (or some number, big enough so that the ground segment is off-screen completely by then), kill actor.

Dialog Extension / Re: Namebox sizing issues
« on: October 15, 2015, 07:53:08 am »
Sent as private message. :)

Dialog Extension / [SOLVED] Namebox sizing issues
« on: October 14, 2015, 08:57:29 am »
I'm having weird issues with the namebox sizes. 

I'm using the same settings and even the same text from the dialog sample and I get weird behavior.  Of course, the dialog sample doesn't do it.  :/

Dialog Extension / Re: Dialog Extension General Discussion
« on: September 22, 2015, 11:36:56 am »
Hmm. I'm not seeing that behavior in my script.  I have one that ends and then triggers an on-screen event (an actor moving) and then the next dialogue begins. 

The latest version of the Dialog Extension (files dated 9/7) didn't have my fix for the crashing (or any other changes to dialogwindow.hx) so the problem we're having is still not resolved officially.   

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