« on: May 12, 2014, 11:58:29 am »
Dear Stencyl Community,
I am kindly asking, if anyone could guide me to the right direction, as I am relatively new to this platform and I am almost finished studying ''learning stencyl 3.x game development''.
I would like to create a plainly simple game. What I am looking for is an extension that would correspond to my idea.
I have uploaded a picture that completely depicts what I am looking for.
1. I want to input a word in a [text-box] (upper/lowercase - both stances) (fx: sword, Arrow, SHield, medicine etc, they are all actors), press OK (as confirmation) and I want the 'actor', that is linked to a specfici word to fall down from underneath it, fall to the ground and remain still. No need to be to obtain it at the moment.
Preferably, the text in the textbox should disappear right away
2. The textbox has to be permanently positioned, fixed in the same position. Also OK button should be fixed.
I understand that I need to create a database with actors linked to keywords, that would trigger their appearance followed by free fall.
Do not consider anything else, just this process, how would you most efficiently go about it? What Stencylforges would best suit this?