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Messages - dariolessa

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Thanks Robin, because hayzap crash, i will use just applovin (without heyzap) but creash too. I am sending screenshots.

The problem is then show ads.

Thanks Robin, in xCode tha game not compile :S
I just installed Haxe.

Hello Robin, you know now compile OK with admob and heyzap. But when I try to show ads, game quit (crash).
What can I do to fix that ?

Hello Robin, now compile ok :)
I will test on my device later and update you! Thank you very much.
For Applovin have to copy framework too, right ?
Best Regards.

Hello Robin, thanks for you reply, but not works :(

I am sending the logs.

Thanks in advance.

I am using Hayzap 2.9 and EM 0.1.2 and I have this error when I have to try compile.

Thanks for your help.

I have an error trying run in iOS Simulator, andriod device and export ipa, in flash the game works OK.

Anybody can help me?

Sorry for my english my native lenguaje is spanish.

Ask a Question / Stencyl Error When try to generate apk
« on: August 13, 2016, 10:52:15 am »
I finish a game to publish in play store, but when I try to complile apk I have this errors.

Somebody can help me ? I just clean, delete andriod export and still have the problem

Sorry for my english my native lenguage is spanish.

AdMob / Re: [iOS & Android] AdMob Extension [2.1] [DEPRECATED]
« on: February 14, 2016, 08:55:52 pm »
Hello, with this extension is possible use mediation ?

Resolved Questions / Re: Stencyl Build 8678 IOS9 and Xcode 7 issues....
« on: September 28, 2015, 05:57:00 pm »
I have this error when try to upload fot appstore.

AdMob / Re: [iOS & Android] AdMob Extension [3.0]
« on: July 31, 2015, 12:43:26 pm »
Thanks, works ok :)

AdMob / Re: [iOS & Android] AdMob Extension [3.0]
« on: July 31, 2015, 05:35:23 am »
I´m trying Stencyl 8470 with this admob extension and not work for iOS :(

Therefore you should this extension,41376.0.html

Thank you, i wil try.

AdMob / Re: [iOS & Android] AdMob Extension [3.0]
« on: July 31, 2015, 04:30:47 am »
I´m trying Stencyl 8470 with this admob extension and not work for iOS :(

AdMob / Re: [iOS & Android] AdMob Extension [3.0]
« on: July 05, 2015, 01:32:31 pm »
Full Screen not show, and banner only works in normal mode, not smart.

This only in device, not in iOS simulator.

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