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Messages - acp

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yes the behavior is attached

I made both the regular custom block after I deleted the global custom block from the same scene

I haven't tested this extensively but a deleted global custom block's name appears to stay somewhere in the game.

Steps I took
1. created a global custom block in a scene behavior
2. deleted the global custom block
3. created a regular custom block with the same name as the global block
4. calling the regular custom block appears to do nothing

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / Re: error when using the "random number" block
« on: March 02, 2015, 12:00:56 pm »
appears to be a bug in global blocks

SadiQ in IRC said to use a regular custom block and that appears to work

Fixed Bugs (3.x) / error when using the "random number" block
« on: March 02, 2015, 10:13:46 am »
I'm getting this error when using the random number block

SceneHelper:  Unknown identifier : randomInt
   from scripts.Design_10_10_SceneHelper
   line: 80
   columns: 25-34

I'm just trying to debug print a random number, my inputs to the random block are 1 and 10. 

Ask a Question / Re: Game
« on: February 27, 2015, 07:20:47 pm »
unless its a game about going to meetings!  how about this for an elevator pitch...
you are an "executive producer" on a game project and your job is to interfere with the developers and project managers and directors to prevent the game from getting made

There is a strategic level where you try to add unreasonable requirements and change orders to the design documents while still pretending to be helpful.

Then there is a tactical level where you have to run around the building and engage the developers in innane conversations and micromanaging whenever they start doing something productive.  The worst thing you can do is nothing because they will eventually get the job done unless you can stop them!

Ask a Question / design mode best practices
« on: February 27, 2015, 02:28:14 pm »
I've been using Stencyl for about 9 months now and like it best out of the other engines I've worked with.  Mostly I work in design mode because its more interesting that writing code and I'm too lazy to learn yet another syntax.

What I've noticed is that any behavior that is remotely complicated becomes cluttered with dozens(hundreds?) of attributes and custom blocks/events.  This makes games more difficult to maintain/debug/improve the longer I keep working on them to the point where I'm not having fun anymore, give up, and start a fresh project.

Does anyone have advice for best practices to keep the design mode behaviors from getting cluttered?

This is a very minor quality of life feature request. 

Right now the palette doesn't show what type of variable is returned by the custom block, only whether or not the block returns something.

I'm requesting that the return type be listed in the palette next to the block.  Ideally I would have the ability to sort the custom blocks alphabetically, by return type, or arbitrarily.

Right now I can put the return type in the description which will show up in the status bar on mouse over.  But having the return type next to the name will make it easier for me to get an "overview" of what custom blocks I have and what their function is.

Suggestion Archives / Re: feature request: get index of item in a list
« on: February 26, 2015, 07:28:52 pm »
Apologies for noob question but where would I put that code to replicate the function from my last message?

no, free
Donate if you wish.
didnt see a download link to gifs/pngs, just a link to an executable and a donate button

Suggestion Archives / Re: feature request: get index of item in a list
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:57:02 am »
Exactly, here is the current custom block I'm using to do it right now

Input item 1 is an "any" attribute and item 2 is the list I want to find indices in

Suggestion Archives / feature request: get index of item in a list
« on: February 23, 2015, 01:29:08 pm »
I would like a way to determine which position in a list an item is.

I think the best return type of this function would be a list.

The value of each item being an index number of an item matching the input item.

For example I have a list called "FruitList" that has values of 0: apple, 1:orange, 2:banana, 3:orange

I call the function Results=FindInList("orange",Fruitlist);

Then the value of Results would be 0:1,1:3

If the requested item wasn't in the list Results would return empty

I can already do this with a custom block but I think its such a fundamental feature of list handling that it should be included in the palette.

Awesome, ty for your efforts in making the engine!

Heh not learning a new syntax is one of the things that attracted me to stencyl in the first place.

But you are right I should probably learn if I'm going to use the engine for anything other than a toy

I work in design mode and a lot of times want to use temporary attributes for storing partial calculations.  This keeps the design blocks from becoming really large and difficult to manipulate.

The problem is that the temporary attributes take up space in the attribute tab and the "getter/setter" panels.  This clutters up those panels with temporary variables that are only used in a single event.

My feature request is for attributes that only exist in the scope of a specific event.  Ideally this would be implemented with a "local attribute" tab which duplicates the event-wide attribute tab in the design palette.  Then in the getter/setter sections the attributes could be separated by event-local and behavior-global.

A step in the right direction that would probably be easier to implement is to have each event automatically initialize a single fixed name temporary attribute of each type, TempNumber, TempList, TempText and allow those to be used in design blocks without having to add them to the attribute tab.

got a question on the code....what is the test starting with "remainder" testing for, and also what is the "generation number?"

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