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Messages - triqui

Pages: 1
A complete String Avoider prototype made in a few minutes with Stencyl image API -

I posted a tutorial about Stencyl and image API:

iPhone / iPad / Android / Globez for iOS hits the App Store
« on: September 10, 2012, 02:50:18 am »
Hi guys,

finally Globez, my first commercial game made with Stencyl, hits the App Store

Moreover, once it reaches 2,500 downloads, I will release the complete Stencyl Project.
More information here:

News / Re: Stencyl 2.0 Beta (Updated Apr 4th)
« on: April 09, 2012, 09:00:15 am »
Want to enable iOS exporting in 2.0?

Copy the ios/ folder inside this ZIP file to [STENCYL_INSTALL_FOLDER]/plaf/

The Patch

You installed the patch, right? (First post in the topic)
My fault. I thought I needed the patch only to export (publish) the game. Now it works, but I still have these issues:

* I can't access to PRO features although I am a PRO subscriber

* If I add a 960*640 retina background, in my atlas I only see a 480*320 copy of such background

Any hint?

News / Re: Stencyl 2.0 Beta (Updated Apr 4th)
« on: April 08, 2012, 03:25:43 pm »
I think I have some issues with 2.0

* When I create a mobile/web game, I don't see the mobile settings I can see in StencylWorks

* Some publishing options are marked with a "PRO" icon and I can't use them because it says I don't have a PRO version, but I have it.

Any clue?

for your info, I solved it creating a AppScaffold.xcodeproj folder in plaf/ios/template/Base

Thank you

this worked, but now it's asking for


directory, I created it but it deletes it on the fly when I try to publish the app.

I think I'll get 2.0

Here it is, thank you

[LOG] Mirroring logs to the standard output...
[LOG] Current Working Directory: C:\Program Files\StencylWorks
[LOG] Reading... global
[LOG] Finished reading lang/en/global.lang
[LOG] Reading... prefs
[LOG] Finished reading lang/en/prefs.lang
[LOG] Reading... gamedg
[LOG] Finished reading lang/en/gamedg.lang
[LOG] Reading... spritedg
[LOG] Finished reading lang/en/spritedg.lang
[LOG] Reading... tset
[LOG] Finished reading lang/en/tset.lang
[LOG] Reading... actor
[LOG] Finished reading lang/en/actor.lang
[LOG] Reading... scene
[LOG] Finished reading lang/en/scene.lang
[LOG] Reading... snippet
[LOG] Finished reading lang/en/snippet.lang
[LOG] Reading... blocks
[LOG] Finished reading lang/en/blocks.lang
[LOG] Reading... blockhelp
[LOG] Finished reading lang/en/blockhelp.lang
[LOG] Initializing StencylWorks
[LOG] Failed to load Growl library
[LOG] Loading: help\help\en\html\main\index
[LOG] Exists: false
[LOG] URL: index.html
[LOG] Dir:
[LOG] {}
[LOG] false
[LOG] Activated: Welcome Center
[LOG] Checking workspace writability: temp
[LOG] Response: user:ios
[LOG] Logged in as: triqui
[LOG] Usergroup: Registered
[LOG] Thanks for subscribing to iStencyl Pro.
[ERR] Attempting to log in
[LOG] Connected to StencylTalk as:
[LOG] Refreshing friends list
[LOG] 200
[LOG] HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<server status = '200' version = '1beta' time = '1299439687' />   <version required="false" build="415" name="1.4.1" month="01" day="23" year="12" />
   <version required="false" build="414" name="1.4.0" month="01" day="22" year="12" />
   <version required="false" build="413" name="1.3.4" month="12" day="19" year="11" />
   <version required="false" build="412" name="1.3.3" month="12" day="14" year="11" />
   <version required="false" build="411" name="1.3.2" month="12" day="12" year="11" />
   <version required="false" build="410" name="1.3.1" month="12" day="10" year="11" />
   <version required="false" build="409" name="1.3.0" month="12" day="09" year="11" />
   <version required="false" build="408" name="1.2.1" month="10" day="27" year="11" />
   <version required="false" build="407" name="1.2.0" month="10" day="26" year="11" />
   <version required="false" build="406" name="1.1.1" month="09" day="13" year="11" />
   <version required="false" build="405" name="1.1.0" month="09" day="08" year="11" />
   <version required="false" build="404" name="1.0.4" month="07" day="23" year="11" />
   <version required="false" build="403" name="1.0.3" month="07" day="21" year="11" />
   <version required="false" build="402" name="1.0.2" month="06" day="30" year="11" />
   <version required="false" build="401" name="1.0.1" month="05" day="31" year="11" />
   <version required="false" build="400" name="1.0.0" month="05" day="18" year="11" />
   <version required="false" build="399" name="0.9.9" month="05" day="18" year="11" />
[LOG] Initializing... 20 : Blue Circle
[LOG] Initializing... 21 : Blue Circle
[LOG] Initializing... 29 : Congratz Background
[LOG] Initializing... 11 : Destroyed Counter
[LOG] Initializing... 8 : Game Background
[LOG] Initializing... 10 : Game Music
[LOG] Initializing... 7 : Green Bullet
[LOG] Initializing... 6 : Green Bullet
[LOG] Initializing... 1 : Green Circle
[LOG] Initializing... 0 : Green Circle
[LOG] Initializing... 28 : Level Content
[LOG] Initializing... 26 : Level Intro
[LOG] Initializing... 25 : Level Intro
[LOG] Initializing... 27 : Level Title
[LOG] Initializing... 15 : Purple Bullet
[LOG] Initializing... 14 : Purple Bullet
[LOG] Initializing... 13 : Purple Circle
[LOG] Initializing... 12 : Purple Circle
[LOG] Initializing... 5 : Red Bullet
[LOG] Initializing... 4 : Red Bullet
[LOG] Initializing... 3 : Red Circle
[LOG] Initializing... 2 : Red Circle
[LOG] Initializing... 24 : Splash Background
[LOG] Initializing... 18 : Yellow Bullet
[LOG] Initializing... 19 : Yellow Bullet
[LOG] Initializing... 16 : Yellow Circle
[LOG] Initializing... 17 : Yellow Circle
[LOG] Loading Sound 10
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Players
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Tiles
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Doodads
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Actors
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Bullets
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Circles
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Regions
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Lose Anyway
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Level Number
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Yellow Circles
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Circles Needed
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Purple Circles
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Green Circles
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Circles Destroyed
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Blue Circles
[LOG] Loading attribute into tree: Level Message
[LOG] Device OS: null
[LOG] Simulator OS: null
[LOG] Reading header for Scene: 2 ()
[LOG] From: scenes/2.xml
[LOG] Reading header for Scene: 2 ()
[LOG] From: scenes/2.xml
[LOG] Activated: Game Center
[ERR] Could not delete file: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\stencyl3783391295442455514\sandbox\build\code
[LOG] Reading header for Scene: 2 ()
[LOG] From: scenes/2.xml
[LOG] Took 7711ms
[LOG] games\Circle Chain\resources\9.fnt
[LOG] games\Circle Chain\resources\9.png
[LOG] Could not parse: games\Circle Chain\resources\arial.ttf
[LOG] Could not parse: games\Circle Chain\resources\C&C Red Alert [LAN].ttf
[LOG] Could not parse: games\Circle Chain\resources\data.xml.bak
[LOG] Frame was maximized
[LOG] Action: Generate Logs
[ERR] Could not delete file: C:\Users\User\stencylWorksTempLogs
[LOG] Copy file from: logs\03-06-2012_0000_PM.log to: C:\Users\User\stencylWorksTempLogs\03-06-2012_0000_PM.log
[LOG] Copy file from: logs\03-06-2012_0051_PM.log to: C:\Users\User\stencylWorksTempLogs\03-06-2012_0051_PM.log
[LOG] Copy file from: logs\03-06-2012_0534_PM.log to: C:\Users\User\stencylWorksTempLogs\03-06-2012_0534_PM.log
[LOG] Copy file from: logs\03-06-2012_0928_AM.log to: C:\Users\User\stencylWorksTempLogs\03-06-2012_0928_AM.log
[LOG] Copy file from: logs\03-06-2012_0930_AM.log to: C:\Users\User\stencylWorksTempLogs\03-06-2012_0930_AM.log
[LOG] Copy file from: logs\03-07-2012_0924_AM.log to: C:\Users\User\stencylWorksTempLogs\03-07-2012_0924_AM.log
[LOG] Write String out as file to: C:\Users\User/stencylWorksTempLogs/Config.log
[LOG] Action: Publish iOS App (Ad Hoc)
[LOG] Checking Prereqs
[LOG] This is an Ad Hoc build, using the profile at: C:\Program Files\StencylWorks\games\Circle Chain\Circle_Chain_Stencyl_profile.mobileprovision
[ERR] Could not locate bundleID. Skipping...
[LOG] Generate Project sandbox\project.pbxproj (Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato)
   at Method)
   at<init>(Unknown Source)
   at<init>(Unknown Source)
   at stencyl.sw.util.FileUtil.writeStringToFile(
   at org.jdesktop.swingworker.SwingWorker$ Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
   at Source)
[LOG] Copy directory from: plaf\ios\template\Base to: games-ios\Circle Chain
[LOG] Copy directory from: plaf\ios\template\Base\Classes to: games-ios\Circle Chain\Classes
[LOG] Copy Duration: 33
[LOG] Copy directory from: plaf\ios\template\Base\Headers to: games-ios\Circle Chain\Headers
[LOG] Copy Duration: 61
[LOG] Copy Duration: 177
[LOG] Write String out as file to: games-ios/Circle Chain/Classes/ApplicationDelegate.m
[LOG] Write String out as file to: games-ios/Circle Chain/\Application-Info.plist
   at<init>(Unknown Source)
   at stencyl.sw.util.FileUtil.copy(
   at org.jdesktop.swingworker.SwingWorker$ Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
   at Source)
[LOG] Action: Generate Logs
[ERR] Could not delete file: C:\Users\User\stencylWorksTempLogs
[LOG] Copy file from: logs\03-06-2012_0000_PM.log to: C:\Users\User\stencylWorksTempLogs\03-06-2012_0000_PM.log
[LOG] Copy file from: logs\03-06-2012_0051_PM.log to: C:\Users\User\stencylWorksTempLogs\03-06-2012_0051_PM.log
[LOG] Copy file from: logs\03-06-2012_0534_PM.log to: C:\Users\User\stencylWorksTempLogs\03-06-2012_0534_PM.log
[LOG] Copy file from: logs\03-06-2012_0930_AM.log to: C:\Users\User\stencylWorksTempLogs\03-06-2012_0930_AM.log
[LOG] Copy file from: logs\03-07-2012_0924_AM.log to: C:\Users\User\stencylWorksTempLogs\03-07-2012_0924_AM.log


When trying to Publish->Publish iOS App (Ad Hoc) I just see the animated dialog saying "Building iOS Game..." but nothing happens.

I compiled all the required fields under preferences and mobile game settings, but still nothing.

Is there something I am missing?

Thank you

great thank you!

do you mean there is something like isThereATileAt(x,y)?

given a coordinate, I can know if there's a tile in it?

is there a built in way to know tile(s) location? Do I have to code it by myself?

Ask a Question / how to determine if an actor is completely inside a tile
« on: January 11, 2012, 04:03:56 am »
I need to determine if an actor is completely inside a tile but the "this actor hit a tile" does not work because probably checks for collisions on bound box, which do not happen if the actor is completely inside a tile.

Any hint? Some kind of hittestpoint?

Pages: 1