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Messages - Beever

Pages: 1 2
Paid Work / Re: [Paid] Android games creation 2d/3d
« on: September 03, 2014, 10:19:34 am »
Searching guy to do platformer game

Paid Work / Re: [Paid] Android games creation 2d/3d
« on: August 31, 2014, 07:18:48 am »
 Some projects still left.

Paid Work / Re: [Paid] Android games creation 2d/3d
« on: August 30, 2014, 03:12:00 am »
edit dfound it now. Did  not match your forum name

Paid Work / Re: [Paid] Android games creation 2d/3d
« on: August 30, 2014, 03:08:11 am »
Also looking for sample assets.
Looking for platform games too and also looking fornnew inventive games with nice graphics. ceosol send u mail but got nothing back

Paid Work / Re: Concept Artist/Illustrator for Hire
« on: August 30, 2014, 02:58:17 am »
How about pricing?
For example for a background and a moving  character  animation how much do you ask?

where did u buy the graphics from?

Paid Work / Re: [Paid] Android games creation 2d/3d
« on: August 27, 2014, 08:49:01 am »
Thank your very much. I will send you a mail ~15 min.

Paid Work / Re: [Paid] Android games creation 2d/3d
« on: August 26, 2014, 05:57:43 am »
Still looking for people :)

Paid Work / Re: Partnership
« on: August 25, 2014, 02:15:16 pm »
I am good only with advertising. Also searching for developers.

Paid Work / Re: [Paid] Android games creation 2d/3d
« on: August 25, 2014, 10:56:02 am »
Added my skype account for serious people only

-> facebook:raluca.andreea.543

Paid Work / Re: [Paid] Android games creation 2d/3d
« on: August 25, 2014, 02:03:04 am »
Still searching for more people!

Paid Work / [Paid] Android games creation 2d/3d
« on: August 23, 2014, 04:02:41 am »


I am looking for a freelancer who will help me to develop some small apps.
Games will be done for android.

Note: With basic knowledge they can be done in one day.

-be able to provide solutions
-be able to solve any kind of given error
-be able to add in game purchases
-come with ideeas of games(PRO)
-searching people with ideas(you come with ideea and if i like you can start working)
-searching people who can develop 2d/3d car games (you may also come with ideea)

-i may provide the graphics
-the pay will be done via paypal
-you will send me a PM with your hour rates and a link with previous projects
-after i receive pm i will give you links with the apps and you will tell me if you can create them or not.
-come with ideas of in game purchases
-you will tell me if any aditional info is needed

Biggest project atm is 700$(in progress.) Price depends if user provides graphics and what games creates. So don`t hope for big money if you offer something small. Also i am not interested too much in companies as they usually charge double.

You can contact me via PM or at email: with subject Sytencyl games and i will answer asap. At request i may give you my what`s up or facebook.
If you send me any cv, be sure that you include direct links of the apps made by you.

As i opened the thread on unity forums, i opened one here.

Note i  am not interested in the game engine used. The most important thing is that the game will be ok .(perfomance & graphics& gameplay)

Paid Work / Re: Sell of Template Jetpack Kit, pay via PayPal
« on: August 23, 2014, 02:53:44 am »
Can u pm me or follow me I'll post an interesting topic

Chit-Chat / Re: Google / admob; still putting the screws to us...
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:44:21 am »
What would you recomand to use as Add?

Admob or other?

Ask a Question / Background images and items
« on: July 30, 2014, 05:45:32 am »
I am new here and i have few questions
I wonder from where people do get their items and backgrounds. I know that some of them buy them or create, but i heard that some are taken from free sites. Anyone knows where can you take them from? Can you take them for example from deviantart free?
I am new atm so i am just playing with tools or so.

So my questions:
1) When you publish your app will someone check your background or items (pet, dog, snow) to see if you created them or bought them?

2)If you take a random background image from google and use it in your app , market will remove your app?

3)Can you take images from deviantart to use them free? Are there any free sites that  provide items/backgrounds? How about top paid sites?

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