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Messages - monica89

Pages: 1
Extension Ideas / Re: GUI Extension for OpenFL (Obsolete after 3.1)
« on: September 09, 2014, 01:21:32 am »
Never mind I got it. Thanks for the behaviour btw. It's so easy to use

Ask a Question / Re: Help Needed With Text Boxes And Checking User Input
« on: September 09, 2014, 01:19:22 am »
Alright I've got! I'll tidy it up and post a screen shot. Just in case there's a more efficient way of doing it.

Ask a Question / Re: Help Needed With Text Boxes And Checking User Input
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:04:12 am »
lol *facePalms self* Ok, I'm using mdotedots textbox behaviour. Now I'm trying to figure out how to get the input and compare it to the right answer. I assume I store them as variables but I don't know how to keep track of what's been typed? Any suggestions anyone?

Extension Ideas / Re: GUI Extension for OpenFL (Obsolete after 3.1)
« on: September 08, 2014, 11:47:39 pm »
Hi mdotedot,
Got a bit of a n00b question here.
I'm using your textbox and it works great. But i'm wondering if you can help with something. I'm making a quiz game and I'm trying to figure out how to take the user input and see if it matches the correct answer. I assume I just store them as variables.
But I'm not sure how to 'get' what's been typed in the textbox. Will I have to edit your behaviour? Or do I create a new event elsewhere?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ask a Question / Re: Help Needed With Text Boxes And Checking User Input
« on: September 07, 2014, 07:37:36 am »
Thanks for responding! Gruffman :)

I don't know how to allow the user to type in words on the screen. I've never done anything like this. So I'm not sure where to start. I mean, painfully simple question, do I attach the Event to the scene or do I create an actor(textbox) to attach it to?
I think I could figure out how to store the input and store the correct answer, as attributes, to compare them... but I have to get there first. I just need to know how to allow the user to type and read in the info, I think.

Sorry if its still not specific enough. I'm not entirely sure what's involved with trying to do this.

Ask a Question / Help Needed With Text Boxes And Checking User Input
« on: September 07, 2014, 05:54:31 am »
Hi all,

I'm making a "game" to help people remember Japanese Kanji. I'm trying to create a box people can type their answers into and then check the answer is correct but I'm completely lost.,23588.msg135633.html#msg135633
This (I think) is what I need to do. So I Thought I'd copy the code (which I only understand halve of) from that thread and make some changes but there are a few custom blocks and I don't know what type some of them are. I've seen a few articles on the subject but there a little outdated apparently.

I'm still new to Stencyl so I'd really appreciate any pointers/help

Resolved Questions / Re: How Do I Change Frame When Actor Is Clicked?
« on: August 28, 2014, 06:57:19 am »
Even if you disable the looping, each frame has a fixed duration (in miliseconds) before automatically switching to the next frame. To avoid automatic and unwanted switching, you can set a large amount of time in each frame. To do it, you must select each frame (or all frames at once), then click on "Edit frame" (the button with the icon of a yellow pencil), and type a high number of miliseconds. (eg. 99999999)

Absolutely right my friend! I just change the duration to 999999999 and it works perfect, thanks. I just assumed that frame duration only applied if looping was enabled. I'm learning something new everyday, thanks guys.

Resolved Questions / Re: How Do I Change Frame When Actor Is Clicked?
« on: August 28, 2014, 05:58:11 am »

I'd be interested to know if you find the article helpful...

Thank you. It was very helpful and more importantly easy to understand.

Actually, I like to switch animations but you can also have a single Actor with two frames and disable looping.
Then use [switch fo frame X for <Actor>] and replace X with 0 for the first frame or 1 for the second frame.

I tried to use the switch frame block but it would switch frames for a second and then back again. I'm not sure where I was going wrong. Here's the code. Could you take a quick peek? Would I have to get or set the current frame before the if statement?

Resolved Questions / Re: How Do I Change Frame When Actor Is Clicked?
« on: August 27, 2014, 06:52:18 am »
Done. I was at this for about two hours. lol so simple. If there's a better way I'd still love to know

Hi guys and gals,

I'm new to stencyl and having a tiny issue. All I want to do is change from one frame to another if the mute button is clicked. I've hunted around on the forums, and Google of course, but I'm just not getting it.
I tried some random code but the best I could pull off was switching the frame but it switched straight back again.

I've attached the muting code that is attached to my mute button actor. That works. I just cant figure out this frame change... or would it be best to switch animation?

lol I hope I explained that properly. Any help/pointers would be very appreciated.

Pages: 1