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Messages - thecloudmediagroup

Pages: 1 2
Could this be used to auto connect to a server on the same LAN? I am looking for my app to automatically obtain an IP address from the host computer which will change. I need the app to auto discover where the server is on the network and define that servers IP as a variable in the app. Could this achieve that?

Bug Archives / iPad mini won't load past splash screen.
« on: May 06, 2015, 09:08:54 am »
I have an app in the app store for iPad and am able to download it and run it on my own iPad but have had one user have an issue not being able to get past the load splash screen. They have installed and uninstalled in multiple different combinations but have not been able to get past the splash screen. They have a first generation iPad mini. Any ideas why this would happen?

Ask a Question / Very slow scene change
« on: March 26, 2015, 11:08:42 am »
I have 2 scenes that I am trying to toggle between with the push of a button. I do not have much going on one scene and the other scene I have made blank simply to debug. The transition between the 2 scenes take about 5-7 seconds it seems. I tried adding a color fade to further trouble shoot. The color seems to start fading within one second of being pressed but once it gets to the point where it should be fully transitioned to the new scene, there is a lag or delay time of an additional 2-3 seconds. Any idea why this would be so slow? I am running tests on iOS simulator as well as an iPad retina and having the same results on both.

Ask a Question / Site's Response = Null?
« on: November 24, 2014, 09:43:58 pm »
I am trying to write some code to display whether my app is connected to a server or not. I have the connected part down but I need to be able to define a variable if there is no response from the site. How would I go about that?

I would be open to something like "If site response = null" or "If site response = empty" or something along those lines. Any help would be great!

Ask a Question / Re: User Defined IP address
« on: November 22, 2014, 08:41:03 pm »
I was able to get this to work with 3.1 but now with 3.2 it will no longer work. Any other ideas for user input for 3.2?

Extension Ideas / Re: GUI Extension for OpenFL (Obsolete after 3.1)
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:30:14 pm »
Presumably something to do with flash.bitmap.display is obsolete with 3.2 and has been replaced with and you should replace any entries with that.

Great, is this something that could potentially be fixed with a find and replace?

Extension Ideas / Re: GUI Extension for OpenFL (Obsolete after 3.1)
« on: November 18, 2014, 12:39:09 pm »
I think I may be having an issue with this because I exported from 3.2. I am using a text field to enter in an IP address. When I try to run from Xcode I get this error.

-Shell Script Invocation error (flash.display.bitmap should be
-For Function argument 'img'

Any idea what that is?

Ask a Question / Re: Parse IP address into Visit URL field
« on: September 08, 2014, 02:11:45 pm »
Ok, What is the syntax for combining variables and text into strings?

Example: _FinalFunction =  ("_IPAddress"  + "_Calls") ?

Ask a Question / Parse IP address into Visit URL field
« on: September 08, 2014, 01:11:05 pm »
I have all of my code setup for all of my "Visit URL" functions. However I want to be able to change the base URL for all of the functions. I have tried the POST data with value function with no luck. How could I achieve parsing in the variable into the URL?


parse into

I want the baseline IP address to be changeable by variable. I have about 80-100 of these functions in my code to changing the IP would be very tidious.

Ask a Question / Re: User Defined IP address
« on: September 08, 2014, 01:06:55 pm »
That's great!

Only I do not know how to create that user input. I have tried the GUI extension but have had no luck. How do I create an option for user input?

Ask a Question / User Defined IP address
« on: September 06, 2014, 01:37:22 pm »
The program I am making sends HTTP requests to a host IP address, I would like for the user to be able to define what that IP address is. How could initial window start up before the main program asking the user to enter an IP address? That would ultimately define a global variable.

Ask a Question / Re: Add Serial Number/Key?
« on: August 28, 2014, 11:16:14 am »
That makes sense. The program I am selling is not actually a video game but a video production program for a video switcher, so the market is the broadcast market.

How would that kind of a system be setup? Startup custom Code Block?

Ask a Question / Re: Add Serial Number/Key?
« on: August 27, 2014, 12:25:03 pm »
How would I go about that? Startup screen? File drop down with registration button?

Ask a Question / Add Serial Number/Key?
« on: August 27, 2014, 10:47:59 am »
Is it possible to add the requirement for a Serial Number/Key for the program to run? I am planning on selling my program and would like to require a serial number to prevent piracy. Is this somehow possible?

Paid Work / XML Parser & Definition of Variables
« on: August 25, 2014, 01:06:44 pm »
Payment $50:
Project: I am writing a code that is interfacing with a webserver. I need a code to constantly call the webserver and define and and update the value of the return values based on XML. At the end of each run of the code, I need all data, tags and elements defined into global variables to be used in the program.  A sample return is below!

If you are interested, please email me at

<input key="7715f2db-bdfd-4a7b-ab50-206dd26411cf" number="1" type="Video" title="Dord..mp4" state="Paused" position="0" duration="776214" loop="False" muted="False" volume="100" solo="False" audiobusses="M">Dord..mp4</input><input key="e5362e83-84e3-4b12-84c0-c18dad12570d" number="2" type="Blank" title="Blank" state="Paused" position="0" duration="0" loop="False">Blank</input>
<overlay number="1">Input.mp4</overlay>
<overlay number="2" />
<overlay number="3" />
<overlay number="4" /
><overlay number="5" />
<overlay number="6" />
<transition number="1" effect="Zoom" duration="500" />
<transition number="2" effect="Wipe" duration="500" />
<transition number="3" effect="Fly" duration="500" />
<transition number="4" effect="Zoom" duration="1000" />
<master volume="100" muted="False" headphonesVolume="100" />

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