Ask a Question / Re: Can Stencyl access external files?
« on: April 08, 2018, 03:51:54 pm »
Many thanks to you both for your replies.
I had checked on the possibility of using haxe file IO - but haven't coded anything to try it. I have downloaded the extension mentioned and will have a look.
I'll give it more thought before trying anything - after all, if my idea won't work there's no point going down that route.
Love Stencyl BTW - it's been a while since I last used it (as an IT teacher, now a retired and a hobby maker/coder).
Thanks again.
I had checked on the possibility of using haxe file IO - but haven't coded anything to try it. I have downloaded the extension mentioned and will have a look.
I'll give it more thought before trying anything - after all, if my idea won't work there's no point going down that route.
Love Stencyl BTW - it's been a while since I last used it (as an IT teacher, now a retired and a hobby maker/coder).
Thanks again.