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Messages - Wasanni

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Ask a Question / Re: How reliable are Shaders on Mobile?
« on: February 02, 2021, 08:49:00 am »
Thanks Justin! In Stencyl's scene>shaders section it still says they only work on Windows/Mac/Linux so I was a little reluctant to use them. I appreciate your input!

Ask a Question / How reliable are Shaders on Mobile?
« on: February 01, 2021, 08:16:05 pm »
I know it is not advised to use Shaders or layer blend modes for mobile games but it seems to be working on Android without any issues. I am working on a day/night cycle and would prefer a better option than lowering the opacity of a solid color layer.

Should we still avoid using Shaders on mobile games even with Stencyl 4.1 on the newer versions of Android and iOS?

Hi everyone!

I can't find a way to get the Players Name/ID for Google Play Games. There's a "Name/ID of Player" block for Game Center. Does anyone know if there's a way to do this for Google Play Games?

Ask a Question / Re: Are Google/Apple Game Saves Possible?
« on: April 14, 2020, 06:12:25 pm »
Yes that's what I was thinking. This would be very useful especially for storing online game data. Haven't seen an extension for it but hopefully it gets added eventually. Thanks!

Ask a Question / Are Google/Apple Game Saves Possible?
« on: April 07, 2020, 07:19:47 pm »
Is it possible to save game data via Game Center & Google Play Game Services?

It would be very useful for players to access their saved data from multiple devices and best of all Google/Apple are storing the players info like email and password so we don't have to worry about security issues. I know this is possible with those services and since Stencyl is already using those APIs, would it be simple to add blocks for this in Stencyl?

I have attached a GIF of shaking animation. Is this the issue you are having?

I am having the same issue. The frames are the same size and the image is at the same position. I also tried as a sprite sheet, there should not be any shake or cutting. This started happening a few days ago and does the same thing for any animation I make. The whole project I have been working on for about 8 months never had this issue. I have not changed anything in my workflow. Not sure why this started happening.

Ask a Question / Re: Android Build Failed - Post Logs
« on: February 25, 2020, 08:52:48 am »
I noticed I was in charge only mode and not in data transfer so I switched but it still isn't working. Would you mind taking a quick look at the new logs if/when you get a minute? I've set everything up the same way so I don't know why it wouldn't work. I can see my device internal storage and sd card.

Ask a Question / Re: Android Build Failed - Post Logs
« on: February 24, 2020, 08:47:36 pm »
Thanks Justin! I tried the new build from today. Does it include the fix for this issue? I don't seem to be getting the same error but the app doesn't pop up on my device after compiling and if I open it manually it hasn't been updated to the latest version of my app.

Ask a Question / Android Build Failed - Post Logs
« on: February 21, 2020, 12:15:59 pm »
I've installed Stencyl on a new pc and I'm using the same JDK 8 and I installed the android SDK/NDK. Minimum Android Version is 4.4 kitkat and target is Android 10 API 29. Not sure why I'm getting this error. Using the latest Stencyl private release (2 weeks ago).

Tried searching the forum but I rarely find what I am looking for. Anyone know what the issue is?

Ask a Question / Re: HTTP Requests VS Websockets?
« on: January 14, 2020, 07:35:09 pm »
Thanks for the link! Hadn't seen this yet, looks very interesting. Definitely going to look into it! Much appreciated!

Ask a Question / HTTP Requests VS Websockets?
« on: January 12, 2020, 12:04:57 pm »
Would both methods be good for a turn based game?

I know that websockets provide more of a "real-time" experience but that's not very important to me. I just want to make sure my server doesn't crash with all the HTTP Requests (assuming my game is moderately popular). Currently testing on a basic webserver.

The issue with websockets is that I don't think it is supported by Stencyl and the Extension seems old. I would be concerned that support for the extension is dropped... Does anyone have any insight that might help me make a decision when it comes to online turn based? Thanks  :)

Ask a Question / Re: Why did all event blocks disappear?
« on: January 09, 2020, 07:24:53 pm »
Perfect, I will upgrade!

Yes I have got those warnings and did continue to work because I didn't want to reopen all my tabs that I was working on but I will be sure to stop doing that if it can help avoid having these issues!

Really appreciate the help and I'll post my error logs when I encounter weird issues. Thanks a lot!!

Ask a Question / Re: Why did all event blocks disappear?
« on: January 09, 2020, 06:19:47 pm »
I'm using Stencyl Build 10417

As for the list it wasn't hidden, don't use the print block, and I did clean the project actually. It was just an empty list and I was adding text on "when created" to see if it would show when drawing. After the reboot it worked and no more errors. Either way that info you gave me can be very useful for issues in the future, much appreciated!

I've posted my logs as you mentioned in case someone wants to take a look.

Ask a Question / Re: Why did all event blocks disappear?
« on: January 09, 2020, 05:40:25 pm »
Hi Luyren,

Thanks for the quick reply. I didn't want to spam the forum every time I have a crash but if it will help with development and admins don't mind I can do that. I've been getting strange errors since yesterday and my behavior was fine yesterday morning so it must be one of those.

The first error was when I was adding text to a list with "add anything to list". After trying to figure out the issue for about 15 minutes, apparently Stencyl just needed a reboot and then no more error.

The latest error when I noticed my behavior was erased is after centering some text. I just changed the x position of the text (in a  different behavior) to be centered and then got an error. I rebooted and all was good. I then noticed an NPC wasn't walking around and saw the behavior was gone. I took the behavior from a backup a few days ago but I don't like importing resources because that seems to trigger errors/crashes so I try not to do that.

I will start posting logs whenever I get these errors.


Ask a Question / Why did all event blocks disappear?
« on: January 09, 2020, 05:17:51 pm »
Does anyone know why all the blocks for every event of my behavior would suddenly disappear? You can see that even the "when drawing" block is gone. It's so disappointing to see stuff like this happen. There's so many glitches with Stencyl but I've invested a year already on this game... It's becoming increasingly discouraging to work on my stuff when things like this happen. Anyone know what I can do?

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