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Messages - Yur4uk

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 7
Ask a Question / Collision shape coordinates
« on: June 06, 2016, 11:32:41 am »
I have a round player with round collision shape. Can I somehow check at what part of this shape there were a collision?

In an example in attach I need to check at what point of a circle there were a collision? Whether it's the colored arc or the red dots?

There three modes to play:
1) Infinite Hunt (or endless) - gems are spawning randomly
2) Timer Hunt (you need to unlock 4 players to play this mode) - collect as much gems as possible in 30 sec,  new gems are spawning
3) Perfect Hunt (you need 7 players) - there are only 50 gems, no additional spawning. You need to choose a right pass to be able to collect them all

Ask a Question / Games on Facebook
« on: June 01, 2016, 04:05:16 am »
Hi, guys. Have anyone posted a game on Facebook? How can it be done?

How can I monetize my game on a Facebook: IAP and ads?

What do you guys think of my game named Gem Hunt:

This is updated and improved version of Feed Me:
Post on forum here:,47091.0.html
And the game itself:

Ask a Question / How to increase speed?
« on: May 09, 2016, 01:25:17 pm »
I am creting an endless game where speed is always increasing. But, at the beggining I want to increase movement speed much faster than later during the game. Something like the red line in a chart in attach.

I'm sure there is an equasion for this type of increase, but i don't know it :(
Any ideas?

Ask a Question / Re: same colors for all scenes behavior
« on: April 27, 2016, 02:19:25 am »
Any ideas?

Ask a Question / Re: How to get an item position number from list?
« on: April 27, 2016, 02:04:43 am »
Thanks, this is what I needed.

Ask a Question / How to get an item position number from list?
« on: April 26, 2016, 01:32:50 pm »
I have a list with 10 items (player names). I need to check in what position current player is in this list. How can I do that?

Ask a Question / same colors for all scenes behavior
« on: April 25, 2016, 01:15:52 pm »
Hi all.
I am creating a game with 3 different scenes, with their own events (no common behavior). However, I need to use the same colors for drawings throughout entire game.
At the beginning, when I set a color I typed RGB numbers every time. Now it becomes little annoying. Plus, in the future I may want to change one color and I'd like to change them all at once.

So, I decided to created a "Scene colors" behavior, where I could store all colors I want to use. I created  this behavior, attached to a scene, but there are no color attributes in a side panel. Am I doing it wrong or it's not even possible for my case?

Ask a Question / Re: How to check if mouse was not pressed on actor?
« on: April 12, 2016, 11:43:45 am »
Thank you, attaching this behavior to the gem actor solved my problem

Ask a Question / How to check if mouse was not pressed on actor?
« on: April 11, 2016, 02:10:53 pm »
I have sligtly modified Drag and Drop behavior, which I found on StencylForge. So, when a mouse is pressed on actor,  this actor is atributed to an Actor Atribute (sorry, if I'm not clear) - see screenshot in attach.

This code works perfectly if I click on Actor, but if I click on an actorless place of the screen sometimes heavy lags appears, sometimes Flash pops up null reference error window.

How can I modify my code?

Ask a Question / Re: Guide about easing of tweening effects
« on: April 06, 2016, 12:40:33 pm »
Thank you guys. This is what I was looking for.

Ask a Question / Guide about easing of tweening effects
« on: April 06, 2016, 02:26:36 am »
Is there somewhere  a  guide about differences between easing types of tweening effects?
I can understand what the meaning of Grow, Fade, Slide and Spin, but I have no idea about the final dropdown in each tweening block (normal in, bounce out, normal in/out, strong out, etc.).

I have found this article on Stencylopedia,
but it didn't help much.

Ask a Question / Re: How to implement unified Y/N dialog?
« on: April 04, 2016, 02:25:13 pm »
Thanks, LIBERADO, I'll definitely try this Extension

Thank you, I didn't know that! I fixed my code using your advice: compare each item in each list Actors Position List to the items  in Temp List

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