Perhaps you didn't realize that the attributes can be dropped on top of any block that uses one of those type? For an example that is relevant; anywhere that you see the words "last collided actor" or "last created actor" or "self" (in reference to an actor), you can also use any attribute of type "Actor" instead. Just pick up the actor attribute's "Getter" block and stick it on top of the part where it says "self" or "last created actor".
I absolutely did not realise that.
The question I have for the Stencyl devs is - why not?
Is this something I should have read somewhere - or is it something that I'm just supposed to 'fluke upon'? Could be my fault, or the documentation. Don't know.
Anyway, back to you Hectate....Please,
tell me if I've got this right?I go into attributes, and create an attribute called "Oliver" and one called "Target".
Then, in a single behaviour I can drag the 'setter' called Oliver into a statement
and it will do that 'thing' to 'Oliver'.
And then in the next line, I could do drag the setter called 'Target' into a line,
and do another 'thing' to the actor called 'Target'. And the same again, within a single behaviour, with any number of other actors?
By the way, is there anyway to share a project with 1 person rather than 'upload for all'?
It would be nice to do the former (to correct little mistakes), rather than subject an early buggy mess to 'everyone'
and just clog up Forge with things that aren't of interest to 99.99999% of users.
Oh, and as always, I'm not expecting for you to 'instantly' solve my problems.
No apologies needed at any time.