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Messages - windstorm

Pages: 1
That did it.  Thank you so much!  Of course now it seems like an obvious answer!

Ask a Question / How do I keep an actor event to a specific scene?
« on: May 05, 2016, 01:17:59 pm »
How do I keep an actor event to a specific scene?   When played the building windows populates with random letters, that are set up a actors.  When the letter A is clicked with the mouse, the animation is changed to an alien.  I attached this A letter event - shown below -  to a specific scene but it still carries over to the next scene that is the letter B scene.  Anyone have any suggestions on why it is doing this.  I would make it a scene behavior, but I need to assign it to a specific actor, not last created or last collided actor.

This is a great example that you don't need a bunch of fancy graphics to make a successful game.  Think outside the box!

Ask a Question / Stop Actor at a certain point.
« on: April 20, 2016, 06:22:36 am »
I want the actor to stop at y=230, but it just keeps on going.  What is wrong in my code?  Also, how do I get the actor to come in from outside the scene instead of at the edge?  Thank you!

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Run The Gamut
« on: April 19, 2016, 01:01:50 pm »
Very cool!  You put a ton of work into that!  Very creative obstacles and scenes.  Where are you going to put it?  Let us know how it does.   

Chit-Chat / New Game Marketing - Exposure
« on: April 13, 2016, 07:35:39 am »
Here is an idea for getting more exposure for a new game.  I have seen this problem come up  before in the forum - not getting the visibility for a new game.  I think that Stencyl should have a new game category.  Stencyl users should look at the new game and try it out.  If they like it, share it on whatever social media they have.  If they have say 500 friends on Facebook, the game will be exposed to 500 people that otherwise wouldn't have seen it - and a plus if some of them share it. If even 10 Stencyl forum users did that, all of a sudden 5000 people see it.  It would be great if we all could do this for each other.  Plus it would be give Stencyl more exposure too.  We could create out own Marketing Blast!

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Deadshot (Available on Steam)
« on: April 13, 2016, 07:31:00 am »
I have seen this problem come up  before - not getting the visibility for a new game.  I think that Stencyl should have a new game category.  Stencyl users should look at the new game and try it out.  If they like it, share it on whatever social media they have.  If they have say 500 friends on Facebook, the game will be exposed to 500 people that otherwise wouldn't have seen it - and a plus if some of their friends share it. If even 10 Stencyl forum users did that, all of a sudden 5000 people see it.  It would be great if we all could do this for each other.  Plus it would be give Stencyl more exposure too.  We could create out own marketing blast!

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Block Hop! Now on iOS and Android
« on: April 05, 2016, 08:27:57 am »
I shared the trailer on my twitter page - hopefully that will help get the word out!

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Block Hop! Now on iOS and Android
« on: March 30, 2016, 01:58:27 pm »
Great job and neat idea!  The graphics are great!  Let us know how it does.

Chit-Chat / Re: Full-Time Stencyler Journey (updated for Mar)
« on: March 29, 2016, 04:05:21 pm »
Great job!  That is really exciting and rewarding that you can make money from something that you created.  Hard work pays off!  It give me hope and motivation to keep chipping away at my game that I am making!

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