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Messages - KramerGames

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 27
Journals / Re: This Game is Trash(Stop-motion, Collectahon, Adventure Game)
« on: November 10, 2017, 02:21:09 pm »
Out of all the game journals I've read, this one got me excited the most! Even with normal graphics you're game sounds unique and interesting, and then you add unique graphics on top of that. Looking forward to the release, I'll buy a copy for sure!

Journals / Re: Castle Woodwarf
« on: September 26, 2017, 07:53:07 am »
I've tried it a few times but the version on Kongregate is lagging really badly for me. Clicking a tree or a dwarf takes about 5 seconds until it actually happens. I assume that is the reason why this game is not above 4 stars yet.

Journals / Re: Castle Woodwarf
« on: September 21, 2017, 10:07:54 am »
My guess is this game will end up with a rating above 4 and will win a monthly prize. Some idiots will give you a bad rating because it's too hard and/or they don't take the time to read the tutorial, but every game has tp deal with those idiots, so it evens out. Your game is very interesting and fun to play, and people will see and reward the love you put into it. Good luck for the contest!

Journals / Re: "Peng's Adventure" iOS / Android Release Oktober 1. 2017
« on: September 19, 2017, 04:45:06 am »
I feel for you man... I'm German so I was able to read some of your blog a while ago, and saw how high the stakes were for you and how much you suffered for your game. I've somewhat been in the same situation, with lower stakes and much less time invested, but a lot of effort and dreams were crushed by reality.
I now take things slower, work a part time job in a kitchen (that I enjoy and where I don't have to sit), and focus a lot more on learning and improving rather than putting all my energy into one game and hope that it will be successful. The last game I published I knew it would fail, but I tested some stuff out and got better.
My advice would be if you love making games so much, live your life and create games on the side, use free software and publish in places where it's free to publish, like Kongregate and Newgrounds. And get as much feedback as you can, because to be honest there would be quite a few things I'd criticize about your last game.

About knowing what makes a game a success, there are at least a dozen podcasts about game development, some very good articles on gamasutra, and speeches on the GDC youtube channel, definitely worth it to listen to it here and there and soak it in. Sure there are games that are crap and are very successful, but that is the exception to the rule. I'm pretty sure that by knowing the quality of the game and the marketing effort (and it's quality), a pretty good prediction of the success can be made. 

I whish you all the best, would be nice to one day hear from you again with good news!

Journals / Re: "Peng's Adventure" iOS / Android Release Oktober 1. 2017
« on: August 30, 2017, 02:14:54 pm »
I've tried it but it took me 20 attempts to finish the tutorial and then the penguin went on a toilet and it looked like I had to play the tutorial again?

Also I'm curious why you chose to make an input field and then set the view to portrait. I think for an endless runner landsape would be better (I have played a dozen or so, they were all landscape format).


Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Kongregate: Geometric Destruction TD
« on: August 30, 2017, 04:19:16 am »
same from me :-)

Some better explanation of what things do would be nice indeed (I make the same mistake with my games too). Also it would be nice if there were a button to slow speed down quicker than adjusting the slider. When you play on speed 1 and an enemy goes through, the game is as good as over. I played tower defense games quite a bit and always played on fast mode until something goes through, I slow down immediately and built towers/throw bombs etc.

Journals / Re: Castle Woodwarf
« on: August 19, 2017, 01:12:01 pm »
Looking at that GIF I thought it's kinda strange that you see fish swimming and other fish coming out of the water, but even though I have played your game several times, I hadn't it noticed there, haha. I'm looking forward to the mobile version, would be cool if the female characters had different stats, like less energy but faster regeneration etc.

By the way I was just playing it (to confirm the fish thing) while listening to music for my next game, and this one came up and fit yours nicely:

Greetings and keep up your amazing work!

Journals / Re: Castle Woodwarf
« on: August 06, 2017, 02:42:25 pm »
I too remember you're rough landing with your previous game and it's just great to see you having this success. I just finished the time challenge and really enjoyed the game! I immediately felt the love for detail that was put into it, it's fun to play and even a bit unique. Enjoyed it very much, I totally thrive on strategy games that you have to start over and over while adjusting your strategy - so much better than this idle crap that I'm making :-(. While I wouldn't mind the challenge modes to be harder, I think it turned out good that the first one was rather easy, I too would have been frustrated had I begun with the time challenge (I would have just died over and over at the first wave). There is a pretty good interview about fun in video games at this podcast: (It is a unity podcast but they rarely talk about things specific to unity, unfortunately in this one they talk quite a bit about how all this relates to VR).

I'm looking forward to see where your journey goes, are you planning on staying in this kind of genre? Would be awesome because that's where I'm heading too :-).

After a bit more than a year I have decided to close the Stencyl chapter of my journey and move over to Unity. I have been trying to learn it for about a month now which at first was one big pile of frustration. I considered moving back to Stencyl a few times, but I'm getting the hang of using Unity and to be honest the decision is not a close one anymore. Stencyl was great to get my feet wet and I will always recommend it to people who are new to programming.

I'd like to thank everyone in this community which has been so helpful and friendly that it even restored my faith in internet forums, on which I had given up. Out the thousands of posts I've read in the past year, maybe 3 or 4 were rude, the rest included useful information, a percentage that is near impossible to find on the internet.
I will still be around here and see what people are working on, try to give some feedback etc., meanwhile I will continue to blog here:

Thank you all very much for the constant encouragement, the honest and helpful critique and all the technical advice I have received here! 

Ask a Question / Re: doing a match 3 game
« on: July 14, 2017, 08:08:27 am »
they might look complicated but they are quite easy to use and can be incredibly useful. One thing that confused me in the beginning was that when you make a list attribute (myList) you also have to use the 'set 'myList' to new list' block if you want to use it. But that was pretty much it, the rest you should just play around with it, fill it up with values, change them etc.

Ask a Question / Re: doing a match 3 game
« on: July 13, 2017, 11:53:59 pm »
I did a match 3 game once and used an ID for each tile. the first row was 11-19, second was 21-29 etc, so basically the first number represented the row, the second number the column. Using lists is probably a much better solution though :-)

I'd like to help but I'm transitioning over to Unity.

Ask a Question / Re: Help with Kong API
« on: July 06, 2017, 12:01:29 pm »
What do you mean by "not for a scoreboard"? Kred Purchases?

Long shot but once I had the same problem and I had simply forgotten to show the scoreboard under the game settings on Kongregate.

Journals / Re: Castle Woodwarf
« on: June 18, 2017, 06:35:29 am »
I tried it out but to be honest I didn't really know what to do :-(

Ask a Question / Re: collission only from certain direction?
« on: June 05, 2017, 11:02:44 am »
Thanks, I had missed that thread. It's kinda what I did as well, using sensors and then simulating the physics myself. I'll probably put this project on hold for now, but never hurts to learn something new :-)

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