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Messages - Storbusaren

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here are the logs

For example, when a game attribute reaches a specific number the song should change, and it does when testing it in stencyl, but crashes in the final .swf

I try it in both browser and flash player. I've saved. I can't generate the logs, because when I click on the popup where I should choose where to save the log, the whole stencyl crashes. This happens when I try to export the game too. The way I solve this is to press enter directly after the popup pops up, and the manually drag the file from my folder where the default destination is to the desired folder.

I will try to save the logs using this way around in a few minutes.

I've now finished my game, and after the export, the .swf isn't working as it does when I try it in Stencyl. Not the first time Stencyl has bugs like this . .

For example, when a game attribute reaches a specific number the song should change, and it does when testing it in stencyl, but crashes in the final .swf

Ask a Question / Re: random x and y in setScrollSpeedForBackground (x,y);
« on: January 23, 2013, 02:51:29 pm »
That worked great! Thanks so much for your help. :)

Ask a Question / Re: random x and y in setScrollSpeedForBackground (x,y);
« on: January 23, 2013, 02:12:51 pm »
I want it to change to a random int everytime the code gets "activated"

Ask a Question / random x and y in setScrollSpeedForBackground (x,y);
« on: January 23, 2013, 02:02:52 pm »
Hello! As title, I use the code:
Code: [Select]
setScrollSpeedForBackground (x,y);
How do I get x and y random from -30 - 30 ?

I'm glad you liked the game!  :) Now I'm working on a bigger adventure project but this time for the computer.

Thanks you! It's my first game, but more will hopefully come!

UPDATE: You can now watch a a short gameplay video on YouTube!

Blockdozer is now free on the App Store for a limited time! It would be great if you check it out, I'm 16 years old and can't advertise my game in any other way.

iTunes link: iTunes App Store Link

Short gameplay video:

Blockdozer Link

Kill the colourful but deadly blocks to save the world from invasion!

There is something falling from the sky. BOOM! The first block has landed and the war has begun. With the simple controls you steer the Blockdozer in a world that once was peaceful. Even though the colourful blocks look friendly, they are more dangerous than you can ever imagine!

So, what are you waiting for? Get Blockdozer now and start to save the world from the terrifying blocks!

✓ A more colourful game is hard to find!
✓ Endless falling blocks – endless fun!
✓ Submit your highscore to Game Center and compete against your friends!
✓ Crisp graphics
✓ Extremely simple controls


Ask a Question / Re: Simple Melee attack
« on: November 18, 2012, 01:54:30 am »
It's weird.. The only tips i can give you is to edit the behavior and then take a look at the blocks, if they're right.

Ask a Question / Re: Simple Melee attack
« on: November 13, 2012, 02:52:26 am »
The only behaviors you should need is the ones listed in the description.

Ask a Question / Re: Simple Melee attack
« on: November 12, 2012, 08:50:37 am »
Yes, you need the "On Ground" behavior and one more, don't remember the name though. But every behavior you need is written in the description of the behavior.

Ask a Question / Re: Simple Melee attack
« on: November 10, 2012, 03:19:52 am »
Maybe your player actor and your sword actors are in the same collision groups! They should be in different groups, and should not collide with each other. My sword is in a group called "Weapons". Try that.

What do you mean with animation manager?

Ask a Question / Re: Simple Melee attack
« on: November 10, 2012, 02:10:51 am »
Yes, you should just put the Sidescroller sword attack in the player actor. (that swings with the sword). And if you would do like you said: "I wonder, if I left the actor attack animations blank, and put the attack animations in the weapons animation slot. Would this work maybe?". Then it may work, but the rest of your player's body will inflict dmg too. Like your head.

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