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Messages - faile486

Pages: 1
Right now I've got three list variables, Solution (which includes the entire puzzle solution), Given (which contains only the numbers shown at the start of the puzzle), and Input (which is updated throughout the puzzle with the player's input). If there was a way to make text permanent (I can't come up with another way to describe it), then I could eliminate the Given list and just print the initial iteration of the Input list instead.

Does that make sense?

Those are all examples of things that are drawn every time the draw function is triggered.  I'm looking for a way to just create static text. Is there no way to do that?

It draws it, then everything disappears a second later. I need it to stay on screen for the entire scene.

Is there a way to prevent a drawing event from triggering?  For instance, if I want to draw something only once, at scene creation, and never need it to update?

In a sudoku puzzle, some of the numbers are given at the start. The cells containing these numbers need to be uneditable. I believe I can achieve this by making the 'player input' behavior inactive on these cells.

This will have to be done individually for each scene, so I think this should be an 'event' instead of a 'behavior', right? If I duplicate the scene and edit each scene's event, they would all be different?

Thanks! Went in and disabled physics. I didn't have to do that when I was placing the cells in the scene manually.

Drawing 81 cells using 'when drawing' is working fine, but I'm not sure how to turn them into actors. Creating 81 actors of the same time is causing Flash to freak out.

I had an almost identical block triggered by a 'when drawing' event, the only difference was it had 'set fill color' and 'fill rectangle' instead of 'create actor'.

Any ideas?

So I actually started making parts of the game before really understanding what I was doing...I made a grid in photoshop and sliced it into 81 cells in order to make all the line thicknesses work the way I wanted them to.  I didn't know that drawing an item via the engine was a thing.

The first iteration of the game did have all 81 individual actor types set up, but I lost it in a tragic data accident and the prospect of setting them all up a second time was just too much. Figured I'd get the basics out of the way before setting up the other 8 rows. Now I'm planning on going back and drawing them via the engine...very glad I didn't set them all up.

Think I've got what you're saying down, going to try it out. It still seems strange that I can't just say 'give me the value stored in the Input attribute of cell 53', though.

I've got you down in my 'special thanks to' document =)

But how does that get the input from the cell?

On scene creation, a list is created and propagated with the puzzle solution.
The player can then click an individual cell and input numbers.
When the 'solve' button is clicked, it gets the solution from the scene, but I don't know how to get the data that was typed by the player.

Are you saying that if the button is created from code, it would be the 'last created' actor, and then I could store the user input as an attribute on it?  So basically I'd have an attribute on the button for all 81 cells, and they would update each time the user data changes?

Set what as a local actor attribute? Sorry, I'm not understanding ^^;

I'm making a sudoku game, and each cell on the grid is a unique actor. There's a behavior attached that handles player input. I'm trying to create a 'check solution' button, and I need to be able to access the input attribute for each cell. I can't find a way to access anything but 'last created', 'last collided', and 'self'.

Ask a Question / Re: Looking for Solution to Sodoku Problem
« on: April 05, 2017, 11:12:28 am »
Thank you!

Ask a Question / Re: Looking for Solution to Sodoku Problem
« on: April 05, 2017, 10:51:02 am »
The block: for [self] get [_puzzle1solution] from behavior [Solution] but I get an error saying the behavior doesn't exist?

Adobe Flash Player Error:
Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference

Stencyl Log Error:
com.stencyl.behavior.BehaviorManager#getAttribute(135): Warning: Behavior does not exist - Solution

Solution is triggering on creation, does it disappear after it finishes running?

Ask a Question / Re: Looking for Solution to Sodoku Problem
« on: April 05, 2017, 10:22:45 am »
I have a list set up now that triggers on scene creation that contains the solution. I want to compare the list with the user input when I click a button, but it says that the behavior doesn't exist.  After reading a bit, it looks like actor and scene behaviors can't interact?

Ask a Question / [SOLVED} Looking for Solution to Sodoku Problem
« on: April 04, 2017, 04:25:12 pm »
I'm trying to create a Sodoku game, and I'm running into an issue with programming the solutions.

If I were programming this in another language, I'd make each block a variable and set each variable to the user input. The solution would be an array.

I'm having a hard time coming up with a way to do this in Stencyl.

Right now, each block of the Sodoku grid is an actor, with an attached behavior for user input and a blinking cursor.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Pages: 1