« on: June 15, 2014, 12:33:47 am »
This might be a re-post, but I didn't find similar question on forum.
Maybe I missed it.
I ran into a problem when making (for example) a button.
I want to make a button that has some modes that it can be in.
It has 'attributes':
- Color of border
- Color of background
- Color of number background
- Number displayed
For now, there are 2 color for each attribute and 9 numbers (1-9).
Because of that, I have to make (2*2*2*9) = 72 different images.
What I want to do is instead of making 72 different images, to make (2+2+2+9) = 15 images.
Then, I should combine those 4 attributes to get the final image (something like layers).
- Rephrased question "Making button/character appearance out of multiple images (layers)" to "How can I make character or button sprite made of multiple images?"
- Added example image