Ask a Question / Pathing Coordinates to an Actor from Scene
« on: November 06, 2016, 08:58:47 am »
Hi Sencylers,
I am new to Stencyl and this forum.
First of all, I realy like what merrak does, so I tried myself to implement his A*, which works fine, but I struggle with passing
the coordinates from that given scene to my actors FollowPath behaviour.
Would be great, if someone could give me a hint.
I already looked things up in the forum, but I could not figure out, what is going wrong here.
So the point is, i want the actor to follow the path, that is built by merraks extension, by passing it to the actors follow path.
Maybe it becomes a bit more obvious what i am talking about, with the attached screenshots.
Seen in Makepath,
and add node x y to.
Many Thanks
I am new to Stencyl and this forum.
First of all, I realy like what merrak does, so I tried myself to implement his A*, which works fine, but I struggle with passing
the coordinates from that given scene to my actors FollowPath behaviour.
Would be great, if someone could give me a hint.
I already looked things up in the forum, but I could not figure out, what is going wrong here.
So the point is, i want the actor to follow the path, that is built by merraks extension, by passing it to the actors follow path.
Maybe it becomes a bit more obvious what i am talking about, with the attached screenshots.
Seen in Makepath,
and add node x y to.
Many Thanks