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Messages - Beckb

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Ask a Question / Pencyl not working with new version of Stencyl
« on: January 14, 2020, 08:48:29 am »
It just loads constantly. Any ideas on how to fix? Thanks!

Wasn't sure if this worked or not. Thanks!

EDIT: yes it works

Ask a Question / Can't find "enable gamepad" block.
« on: July 28, 2019, 05:36:31 am »
I'm trying to find this block that's mentioned in the stencyl article below, but I can't seem to find it. It's for controller support:

Ask a Question / Android "Sending to Device" Fix.
« on: January 31, 2019, 09:15:49 pm »
I've found that this helps fix the android problem where it sends to device but nothing happens.

From Stencyl, go to Tools -> Android -> Launch Device Monitor

From Android Device Monitor, go to Window -> Android SDK Manager

From Android SDK Manager go to the bottom and select "New". Then select "Install Packages."

Close Stencyl and Android Device Monitor while the SDK Manager is doing its thing. It may take a long while. After it's done, reload Stencyl. This did the trick for me, hope it helps anybody else. I've found that it also helps to clean the project (Tools->Game->Clean Project).

Ask a Question / Re: Error On 4.0 Upon Opening Preferences
« on: January 31, 2019, 02:46:43 pm »
Nevermind, there seemed to be some installing going on in the background and the folders were auto-selected...

But now I have a "file path too long" error

I fixed it by modifying the path file (shortened it). Now it compiles, says "sending to device", but nothing happens.

Ask a Question / Re: Error On 4.0 Upon Opening Preferences
« on: January 31, 2019, 01:44:15 pm »
Nevermind, there seemed to be some installing going on in the background and the folders were auto-selected...

But now I have a "file path too long" error

Ask a Question / Re: Error On 4.0 Upon Opening Preferences
« on: January 31, 2019, 01:20:23 pm »
Here's the image I get (attached)...I've downloaded the tools but I have no idea which file to choose them from.

Ask a Question / Re: Error On 4.0 Upon Opening Preferences
« on: January 31, 2019, 01:17:58 pm »
Hey, sorry about that, it's up again.

Thanks! I downloaded and replaced the sw.jar file as expected...only now I'm asked to choose an Android NDK and an SDK and I have no idea where they are.

solved in build 10252

(b10252) Updated Gradle version to 4.7 (for Java 11 support) and Gradle plugin to 2.3.0.

I only see build 10.240. I'm assuming 10.252 hasn't been publicly released yet?

Ask a Question / Re: Error On 4.0 Upon Opening Preferences
« on: January 29, 2019, 10:08:29 pm »
A new public build will come soon. For now, you can fix the error by replacing the sw.jar in the install folder with this one.

Justin, not sure if you're aware but the link is dead. Can you re-post?

Ask a Question / Re: Downloading Android SDK Results In Error [4.0]
« on: January 29, 2019, 09:51:48 pm »
Are you getting the error when installing the SDK? Because that's been solved already. I'm having trouble getting Android to compile now.

Yes I'm getting an error when trying to install the SDK. I tried downloading the sw.jar file that Justin linked above, but the link seems to be dead :(

Ask a Question / Re: Downloading Android SDK Results In Error [4.0]
« on: January 29, 2019, 09:47:37 pm »
I'm having the exact same issue (same error when trying to install Android SDK so that I can test my game on my android device).

Logs attached.  Thanks in advance Justin! Your helpfulness is really amazing.

Ask a Question / Re: Getting "Oops this shouldn't have happened" suddenly
« on: January 29, 2019, 09:43:41 pm »
If you uninstall or reinstall Stencyl, your games are not removed. They're stored in a separate folder. You can see where in Stencyl 3.4 by going to "Debug > Workspace > View Workspace Folder".

The error you got in that log file seems to be due to a file IO problem. Perhaps a file was temporarily locked or something, I'm not sure. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with Visual Studio.

Thanks! That solved it.

I keep getting this message after trying to test to CPPIA for the first time...something to do with installing visual basic I think.

Anyway, now I can't do anything with Stencyl. I can't save, test, export, or publish. Virtually paralyzed.

Does anybody have a few pointers for me? I guess I could reinstall Stencyl, but will I lose my game file if I do that? I can't export it as it is, so I'm afraid.

Thanks! - logs attached.

Shared Resources / 30GB+ of Free Sound Effects
« on: December 13, 2018, 08:13:37 am »
From Soniss. Enjoy!


"In celebration of GDC 2018 we are giving away 30GB+ of high-quality sound effects from our catalog. Everything is royalty-free and commercially usable. No attribution is required and you can use them on an unlimited number of projects for the rest of your lifetime."

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