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Messages - RexPeppers

Pages: 1
Ludum Dare 30 / Supreme Tower Racing
« on: August 24, 2014, 05:32:40 pm »

Check out my Ludum Dare compo entry here:

I tried using some of the 3.x stuff, but ended up using what I know works in 2.x to get the job done.

Wow, didn't find out about the contest until just now.  Hope the game that I made for the 48hour compo can be included:,27569.0.html


Ludum Dare 28 / Ötzi's Last Journey
« on: December 30, 2013, 01:25:50 pm »

Ötzi's Last Journey

Ludum Dare 28 Entry completed in 48 hour competition rules by Rex Peppers

Play on
Play on

LD48 Entry Page:

You only get one... button (space).

You only get one... life (eep!).

Play through the last run of Ötzi the iceman, an ancient man discovered in the Alps between Austria and italy. 

Collect as many flowers as you can for Ötzi to bring to his bride at the bottom of the mountain.

(Hint:  Press space to run, let go of space to stop and pick the flowers).

(Included link to Stencyl export on Ludum Dare page if anyone's interested in the source.)

News / Re: Stencyl 3.0 - Design Once. Play Anywhere.
« on: January 21, 2013, 07:26:49 pm »
Looking forward to 3.0...

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: [LudumDare] Petri-Dish Survival
« on: April 28, 2012, 10:37:03 pm »
I have no idea how to get past level 3.  The enemies move way too fast, and I don't like being pushed back a level.  Also, the camera should move faster.

Thanks for the feedback -- I've head the bit about going back a level, forcing a user back a level on death is not a wrinkle most people like. 

On level 3 the trick is to make the mobs run into each other.  I think its a good level, but should probably be smaller and absolutely the camera needs to move faster.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / [LudumDare] Petri-Dish Survival
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:44:51 am »

Here's my entry for Ludum Dare #23.  My first ever entry into a programming competition.

The game is posted here:

The ludum dare page, including all the stencyl for the game is here:


Pages: 1