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Messages - MarcoHans

Pages: 1 2
Stencyl Jam 12 / Re: Hero Dash [Android] Contest Entry
« on: March 20, 2013, 12:58:48 am »
I think you should link to the free version in your OP instead. I'm guessing you haven't uploaded an update to the Free version yet? Still having trouble with white rectangles on the Nexus, so not getting very far. Will give more feedback when I've played a bit more.

Good luck for the jam! :)

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Saving Xena
« on: October 11, 2012, 02:16:21 pm »
Its a well composed package! I was indeed surprised.. And Kudos, you probably have the first complete stencyl game that works so well as a fb app!

Thank you! And so I've been told. We're going to add some nice features that will make the social interaction a bit more.... Well, intimate. :)

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Saving Xena
« on: October 11, 2012, 10:33:09 am »
Yay! After a lot of hard work it's good to finally see the results. :)

It is! And we've got quite good results so far :) Lots of nice comments too.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Saving Xena
« on: October 11, 2012, 10:14:19 am »
The Beta is live! Click the play button in the original post to come join in the fun :)

Paid Work / Re: Looking For A Bit Of Help
« on: October 07, 2012, 06:05:11 am »
Updated the original post with the info from my above comment and some extra information.

Kindest Regards,
Dewald de Jager

Paid Work / Re: Looking For A Bit Of Help
« on: October 05, 2012, 02:39:13 pm »
I can have a go at a puzzle stage but I need more information on what is available. Such as;
movement over the terrains/objects, if possible
special abilities/items
puzzle elements themselves, is it just pushing boxes around?
stage size
anything else you deem relevant

Will this game have user-generated content?


Thank you for your interest! The game mechanics are a bit intricate at first. The game has 12 Chapters and each chapter introduces a new puzzle element. So far we have chapters one and two, who have wooden balls/crates and concrete balls/crates, respectively. A chapter can contain puzzle elements of chapters from previous chapters but not from future chapters, obviously. A concrete crate requires strength potion to be pushed and 90% of the time we give the user this special item in the level but we make sure it delays them a bit to get it. Once a special item is picked up, it is used immediately and not added to their item count, but in the beginning a user gets 3 of each item.

There are 6 items:
Strength Potion: Allows a user to push concrete/titanium crates. Lasts 15 seconds.
Sledge Hammer: Breaks crates. One hit for wood, two hits for concrete.
Roller Blades: Increases the player's speed.
Time Crystal: Slows down everything, including time but excluding the player. Lasts 15 seconds.
Angel Wings: Allows the player to fly over water. Lasts 5 seconds.
Space Suit: Allows the player to cross lava. Lasts 5 seconds.

Balls kill a player. If a wooden ball collides with a wooden crate then both break, but if the ball was concrete, then only the crate would break. Nothing can break a Space Suit except for a titanium ball. All materials work with this strength principle. The player has the same strength as wood. There are more obstacles like birds that fly over randomly and breaks the wings if the player is flying.

Chapter 3 will introduce wooden switches. What these are, are basically wooden structures that require the player to put a wooden crate on it and it will then spawn the portal at which the player finishes. There are also multi-switches which require the player to activate multiple switches before the desired result is achieved.

The size of the game is 960 x 640px but the size of the stage is 768 x 640px or 24 x 20 tiles, where tiles are 32 x 32px. We're hoping to have a feature where users can make their own level in the future, but we have a few nice things in between as well. PM me your Facebook details and I can give you pre-beta access if you want.

Kindest Regards,
Dewald de Jager

P.S. Another screenshot, showing different puzzle elements - Wait till you see the awesome elements :P

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Saving Xena
« on: October 05, 2012, 01:41:37 pm »
I've created a thread in the Developer Exchange sub-forum as I am looking for a few helping hands. Please take a look:,

Paid Work / Looking For A Bit Of Help
« on: October 05, 2012, 01:39:46 pm »
Hello Everyone,

Many of you may have seen the game's thread in the forum and I've gotten some positive feedback about it. I know a lot of people aren't into 'furries' games and I'd still like you to read the rest of this thread :)

While making the levels for the game I lose inspiration some times and was hoping you guys could help me out here. If you volunteer to help out, I can give you early access to the game, give you free perks in the game (such as using the shop for free) and give you some info on the secret stuff that are only in future releases. If you've read the thread, you'll know that the Beta is coming up very soon so I'd like to get some people help where they see it can be improved. "How would I help?", you may be asking yourself. Well, all I really need is the basic/rough draft of the level and I can do everything from there, but I could send you the tilesets to map it out, if you prefer that. You can do this hand-drawn, in Paint or with a tablet it you want. It's tile based so anything with grids is recommended.

On top of the perks mentioned above, if I feel you contribution has been good enough, I will put your name in the credits. I know it might not sound like much, but give it a while and you'll see the value in it. How do the levels look? Well, you can see them in the videos mentioned in the thread I linked to above. Here's some screenshots for a more clear view:

Some more info on the game mechanics:
The game has 12 Chapters and each chapter introduces a new puzzle element. So far we have chapters one and two, who have wooden balls/crates and concrete balls/crates, respectively. A chapter can contain puzzle elements of chapters from previous chapters but not from future chapters, obviously. A concrete crate requires strength potion to be pushed and 90% of the time we give the user this special item in the level but we make sure it delays them a bit to get it. Once a special item is picked up, it is used immediately and not added to their item count, but in the beginning a user gets 3 of each item.

There are 6 items:
Strength Potion: Allows a user to push concrete/titanium crates. Lasts 15 seconds.
Sledge Hammer: Breaks crates. One hit for wood, two hits for concrete.
Roller Blades: Increases the player's speed.
Time Crystal: Slows down everything, including time but excluding the player. Lasts 15 seconds.
Angel Wings: Allows the player to fly over water. Lasts 5 seconds.
Space Suit: Allows the player to cross lava. Lasts 5 seconds.

Balls kill a player. If a wooden ball collides with a wooden crate then both break, but if the ball was concrete, then only the crate would break. Nothing can break a Space Suit except for a titanium ball. All materials work with this strength principle. The player has the same strength as wood. There are more obstacles like birds that fly over randomly and breaks the wings if the player is flying.

Chapter 3 will introduce wooden switches. What these are, are basically wooden structures that require the player to put a wooden crate on it and it will then spawn the portal at which the player finishes. There are also multi-switches which require the player to activate multiple switches before the desired result is achieved.

Secret keys are items that can be found in all normal levels. In order to unlock a secret level, the secret key in the corresponding normal level has to be picked up and the level completed successfully. In total there are 6 normal levels and 6 secret levels in a chapter.

The size of the game is 960 x 640px but the size of the stage is 768 x 640px or 24 x 20 tiles, where tiles are 32 x 32px.

Thanks for reading the thread and if you have any questions or would like to contact me then try on of the following:

Reply to this thread.
Email me at dewald [dot] dj [at] hotmail [dot] com
Add me on Skype/MSN/GTalk with the same email.

Kindest Regards,
Dewald de Jager

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: Saving Xena
« on: October 01, 2012, 07:25:12 am »
Good job! The characters remind me of looney tunes, but in a fantasy world..
you succeeded in integrating facebook API with Stencyl ?

Yeah, in the one screenshot you can see the Hall of Fame menu which lists your friends that play and their scores as well as a few friends that don't play. We will be opening the beta to the public very soon, so keep an eye on this thread and on our Facebook Page/Twitter Profile :)

Kindest Regards,
Dewald de Jager

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Saving Xena
« on: October 01, 2012, 05:56:00 am »

Hello Everyone,

Some of you may have seen the Saving Xena trailer before, some of you may have heard of it before and some of you may have no clue as to what it is. Well, I am here to elighten you: Saving Xena is a 2-Dimensional puzzle/adventure game with a relatively challenging, yet casual, atmosphere. Saving Xena is currently only developed for Facebook but will be released for iOS and Android shortly after the official Facebook release.

Saving Xena starts in a lovely, lively forest - as most fairy tales do - with two twin rabbit brothers; Gaston and Jack, both being bunnies. From a very young age Gaston has been best friends with a female bunny who goes by the name of Xena. As they grow up, a love develops between the two through their teens and young adulthood, but Jack doesn't approve of this at all. On a sunny afternoon, outside the cottage in the forest, Gaston goes down on one knee and pops the question to Xena. Without a doubt Xena replies with a yes and the two fall into each others' arms; Both madly in love with each other. A cloud of smoke appears and Jack, who left home to become an evil wizard, appears with a wand in his hand. Suddenly Jack grabs Xena and in a second puff of smoke they both disappear! Your job as Gaston is to make your way to Jack's evil castle and save the beautiful Xena from his wretched paws.

Will Gaston be in time to save Xena? Will he make it past Jack's booby traps alive? Only time will tell as his adventure lies before you...



Loading Screen:

Rewards Dialog:

Main Menu:

Chapters Menu:

Test Level:

Gifts Dialog:

Shop Dialog 1:

Shop Dialog 2:


Your input is exceptionally valuable to us, so please take the time to send us a suggestion or ask a question though a comment or via any of our social network profiles.

I think I might just use stencyl's built-in sitelock tool instead because this has gotten a little too complicated. Thanks anyway, guys!

I agree. That would be the best thing to do. And no worries!

Forgive me if i didn't follow. But did you know that Stencyl has already a "Site Lock" attribute when publishing your game?

I already mentioned this to the OP, as quoted below:

EDIT: Have you tried the built in functionality of Stencyl regarding piracy? In the sidebar, under Settings, just click on Loading Screen. You'll see a Site Lock field where you can specify certain domains that are allowed to host your game.

Ok I ran the turned based movement pack and added the behavior to the actor and pressed play and he did nothing...Any thoughts?

If you're using Justin's Tile Based Movement pack then make sure the player doesn't collide with tiles. The best way to do this is setting the player's collision shape as a sensor.

Also make sure the player has the following behaviours attached to him:
Tile Based Movement
Push Actors (Optional)

If you have an actor that you want to be pushed, attach the following behaviours to it:
Tile Based Movement (Set Can Be Pushed as true in the attributes and make sure it's not player controlled)

For some weird reason it won't allow me to export the pack but here are the two behaviours in the pack:
Load Sprite
External Image

Import both of these actor behaviours and only attach the 'Load Sprite' behaviour to an actor. You can specify a URL for the sprite once the behaviour has been attached to an actor.

I think the trouble you're having with Forge might be because you're a bit low on memory?
Thanks so much!

I restarted Stencyl many times and tried again. It must be some sort of bug.

No worries. And you should post some screenshots in the bugs section with a detailed log of what you do before Forge goes wild. If you need any further help feel free to ask.

For some weird reason it won't allow me to export the pack but here are the two behaviours in the pack:
Load Sprite
External Image

Import both of these actor behaviours and only attach the 'Load Sprite' behaviour to an actor. You can specify a URL for the sprite once the behaviour has been attached to an actor.

I think the trouble you're having with Forge might be because you're a bit low on memory?

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