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Messages - SilverDomination

Pages: 1
Paid Work / Re: Tower Programmers- Team Stencyl!
« on: May 22, 2012, 04:01:41 pm »
I think you need to state why anyone would want to join the team. Its not clear what is trying to be accomplished by the team that would be developed.
That will become more clear when the group actually starts some projects. ;)

Paid Work / Tower Programmers- Team Stencyl!
« on: May 20, 2012, 11:45:42 am »
Welcome to Tower! Tower is a group of programmers who work together to create Programming Languages, Games, Software, & more! If you would like to join Team Stencyl, please fill out the form below!

Main Position: You can choose programmer, designer, concept developer, or idea generator.
Experience: Put any programming languages you've used here!
Why I would like to join: State why you would like to join here.

Here are the members so far!
SilverDomination- Founder

Here are some projects we've been working on! If you would like to start a project, post a thread for it!
No projects created by this team yet!

You can also check out the other teams!
Team Scratch
Team Kongregate
Team MCS (For my school. Not accepting new members via Internet.)

Chit-Chat / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:08:28 pm »
Hi-oh! I'm SilverDomination! I am a programmer in Scratch, HTML, JavaScript, & (of course) Stencyl! You can follow me on twitter @LeSilverD

Stencyl on! :)

Pages: 1