« on: November 15, 2012, 10:16:34 am »
Hi, My name is Denis.For some time i'm making a game "Brainz Defence" i made all the graphics but there is a problem with coding and stuff,i'm wondering if is here some good people that can tell me what behaviors to use for my game,or how to create one that will make my game run well.
the problem that zombiez when are walking to enemies, and start atacking they are stoping,and not moving after enemy is killed,other problem is that they are stoping sometimes in front of enemy and not starting attacking...I used the rpg kit in creating this...
if someone can help me,add me in Skype: geezeesan
thanks for responses...
progress of the game for now. only one level works for now...need to make behaviors work...
sorry for my english.