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Messages - Cobra Blade

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Journals / Re: Cobra Blade - Games
« on: September 20, 2023, 01:00:13 am »
One final post to break the news that this project is officially closed.
I really enjoyed working with Stencyl and was so happy to revive my Stencyl 2 port of Soulless. I couldn't have brought it back onto App Stores without the help of Justin and I really appreciate that.
In fact, you can still buy it right now from either the iOS App store or Mac App Store.

As for Brawler, it looks like there are too many hurdles to still overcome, if I still had the time I did years back to work on games, it would have been an interesting challenge, but as it stands, it was foolish to try and re-create an existing game all over again rather than just working to improve what already exists. Sorry if anyone was excited to see this particular project come to life, and thank you to everyone in the Stencyl community, especially Justin.

While Brawler won't be making the leap to Stencyl, Soulless is now fully powered by this great engine. #MadeInStencyl

Journals / Re: Cobra Blade - Games
« on: March 04, 2023, 04:06:54 pm »
I guess I'll move future updates to

But as a final update from Brawler on the forum itself, I'll share a super early video of where I've gotten up to so far.
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Basically, you want an attribute for Jason 127 to be stored in, for this example [TextInput]

Then you'll create an Input 'Any Key' Event and do something like this.

Journals / Re: Cobra Blade - Games
« on: February 10, 2023, 10:45:19 pm »
How did I not see this before now? I prefer forums too, I feel like things get very quickly lost and buried with Discord. But you're right, the wip-games section on Discord would probably be the best place for these updates... but another part of me still wants to post here so anyone new can see the forum is still alive... kinda.

A little progress since the last time I posted, a very rough prototype where 1 character is playable. Enemies don't have any actual AI to them yet... but what is there is working correctly.

Journals / Re: Cobra Blade - Games
« on: October 22, 2022, 09:18:11 pm »
The lack of posts is very much reflective of my success with the game itself...

Journals / Re: Cobra Blade - Games
« on: May 16, 2022, 01:50:39 am »
Uploaded a video of the conversion so far. The menus are all pretty much done along with the intro.

As the game itself is going to be the challenge, that'll see if this project will be a success or just a failed experiment. Wish me luck.

Journals / Re: Cobra Blade - Games
« on: May 08, 2022, 08:41:45 pm »
So here is a preview of what a difference re-rendering the sprites will make both in detail and size.
On the left you have a sprite from the original version of Brawler and on the right you have it re-rendered for Stencyl.

Journals / Re: Cobra Blade - Games
« on: May 08, 2022, 01:14:53 am »
The intro is fully imported, main menu, options all done. Just working on the character selection now.

So why port Brawler into Stencyl? What benefits will there be? Besides consolidating all of my games into a single engine, so it'll be easier to make any updates in the future, Brawler itself ran at 960x540 to reduce the size of its resources to keep things running smoothly. This Stencyl build will be 1280x720. Most images can simply be resized, but due to the low resolution of my previous version, the actual character sprites suffered. So I'll be re-rendering character sprites for this port, making the sprites look better than ever!

Due to my choice of game engine used to originally create Brawler, a nasty surprise was that it didn't support game controllers for Mac users. So porting my game to Stencyl will mean everyone will finally be able to play the game as it was intended.

Journals / Re: Cobra Blade - Games
« on: May 02, 2022, 07:38:51 am »
Really cool news is the latest private build of Stencyl is now a native M1 Java app! Anyway, with the challenge of looking after a 1-year-old, I thought I'd try and be creative and see if I can convert Soulless into Brawler. It's crazy, but it isn't like I've got the time to start from scratch, so let's see if a run 'n gun can be converted into a beat 'em up... starting with the easy part 1st, the intro has been converted now. Next will be the menus, all that should be fine. The game itself will be the real challenge.

Journals / Re: Cobra Blade - Games
« on: April 30, 2022, 10:20:05 pm »
With so much happening in life outside of game development, I completely missed the fact I still had to manually approve a sale date for Steam, so it didn't go live on there until this year, but it can now be found at

Unfortunately, too much time has passed for me to easily make the high score template, but if there is an interest in it, please reach out to me, and I'll give it a try.

In the meantime I'm going to try and port my 2nd most  successful game to Stencyl, my beat 'em up, Brawler!

Ask a Question / Re: Tiles not fitting in the scene size
« on: April 08, 2022, 03:00:58 am »
Is it tearing between tiles like this you are getting?

I got this when I imported my Stencyl 2 project into Stencyl 4 initially.
Justin fixed these issues in the latest private release though.

Journals / Re: Cobra Blade - Games
« on: October 31, 2021, 02:55:45 am »
Had to add additional code for all the touch stuff, but the iOS version of Soulless is now live too! Just in time for its 13th anniversary, this Halloween! Thank you Stencyl (and Justin) for making this possible.

It has also been submitted to Steam, but that'll take more time for them to approve.
Here is a link to the official Soulless website

Next up, when I have the time I'm going to try and create that high score template for Stencyl I mentioned earlier.

Ask a Question / Behaviour Error for iOS
« on: October 26, 2021, 08:05:38 pm »
Not sure if this is a bug or if anyone else has gotten this, but when I tried to test on iOS I got this error.

So this is the behaviour

The issue is this line here by the look of it

No biggy though, it's easy enough to just remove this for now and it'll run fine.
Just thought I'd share in case anyone else gets this. This was while using 410-beta3 b10814

Journals / Re: Cobra Blade - Games
« on: October 17, 2021, 03:53:45 am »
The Stencyl version of Soulless is now live on the Mac App Store!
It got approved so quickly I was shocked, a testament  to the quality of Stencyl built games, ticking everything for a smooth review process.

Journals / Re: Cobra Blade - Games
« on: September 20, 2021, 11:42:03 pm »
Something I'm creating now is a local high score system. I'm kind of surprised there isn't just support for this kind of thing built into Stencyl by default. Also doesn't seem to be any kits or templates for this either. So once I'm done and I have gotten Soulless out I'll have to rip out the high score system I'm creating and make it available on the StencylForge for everyone that wants a local high score table in their games.

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